The American adaptation of this cult French film takes all the prizes


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This French feature film had already conquered a large audience in France. Its American version lives the same destiny in the United States.

French cinema also manages to export itself internationally. At least, some stories have the chance to be adapted in other countries. This is what this famous French comedy is going through, which is becoming one of the best films of the year in the United States.

The film in question tells the story of Ruby, a high school student who lives with her hearing-impaired parents. Pillar of the family, she helps her loved ones with daily tasks. But her secret dream is to devote herself to the music for which she has a natural gift.

You got it, it’s the story of The Aries family which now moves Americans. The role of Paula played by Louane is now that of Ruby. titled, Coda, the American adaptation is a huge success and has already received a large number of accolades.

Iat Producers Guild of America (PGA), the association of Hollywood producers, has just appointed Coda as the best film of the year. Last February, Coda also won first prize at the SAG awards, the American actors’ union.

The film also won awards in the UK. In March, it received the award for Best Film Adaptation from the EE British Academy Film Awards.

Ready for the Oscars?

Coda, which transposes Éric Lartigau’s film released in 2014 in France, has been a hit on Apple TV since it went online in the summer of 2021. The American adaptation was co-produced by Frenchman Philippe Rousselet. The story remains faithful to the initial narrative but is anchored in American culture, opting for local codes and issues.

The United States is fond of feel-good movies, so The Aries family lends itself perfectly to the desire of the public. The term Coda is the acronym for children of hearing-impaired parents in the United States. It is rare that we evoke this kind of story on the big screen. The highlighting of deaf characters and actors has greatly moved the world of cinema.

The adaptation of The Aries family is now highly anticipated at the Oscars. The PGA Awards often set the trend that will be seen at the Oscars. Coda is one of the favourites. It was nominated in the following categories: Best Adaptation, Best Picture and Best Supporting Actor for Troy Kotsur who plays Ruby’s father in the film.

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