the anti-stress solution of your childhood

Drawing is an excellent therapy, simple and practical, to treat certain ailments linked to daily stress. Here are the reasons why you should start coloring!

Coloring is no longer just for children and it has even become a trend in recent years among adults. Great way to decompress, it’s a new relaxing routine to adopt ideally before bedtime. Coloring is an unstoppable art therapy method to take the stress out of the day and you will see why.

Coloring, a recommended art therapy

Art therapy is a method of therapeutic care which has the function of curing patients of their problems linked, for example, to stress. It can be done in different forms, such as musical practice, dance, or even theater. It is a communication tool that will allow the patient to express their feelings and their experiences, in a creative way, by means of sound or visual forms. Here, the art used is drawing, more precisely the coloring of images, where the chosen lines and colors replace the words. With the help of a felt-tip pen or a pencil, you can fight against the anxiety of the adult world.

Coloring has long been considered a creative activity for children. However, this artistic practice is one of the most recommended in art therapy. Just like drawing or painting, coloring calls for your concentration and relaxation. Simple, practical and not requiring specific knowledge, coloring is also an economical method of care.

A new anti-stress weapon

Coloring drawings like mandalas, forms of drawings very present in coloring books, has for main purpose to lower the stress, by activating the hormones of well-being. The concentration required to color the small details in a coloring book and the repetition of the gestures will tend to hypnotize you in your activity, even if it means pushing you into a daze. A feeling of security will then emerge and allow you to let go, while having fun.

This art therapy is often recommended for adults through a routine approach. It is advisable to take some time each day to color in your coloring book. Determine a time in the morning or evening to set aside a time for yourself.

Coloring pictures has relaxing benefits, but it is also a way of meditating. Coloring allows you to forget about your problems of the day, or at least to lessen the emotional impact on your well-being. But the color used according to the patterns is not trivial, it can reveal your emotions. It’s a great way to take the time to think things through.

The benefits of coloring

  • Develop your creativity. Coloring will help you optimize your creativity. Of course, coloring doesn’t require as much knowledge and creativity as drawing or painting, but you can develop your artistic spirit quite well, depending on the props used to color the pages in your notebook. The grain of the tip of the pencils left on the paper will not be the same as that of the markers and the texture will be different, just as the color chosen will personalize a mandala or images of animals and flowers.
  • Increase your self-confidence. Once your coloring is finished, you will feel the pride and satisfaction of a job completed, your self-confidence will only be rewarded.
  • Calm anxiety. You will understand, coloring has soothing virtues. It is a way of concentrating to forget the problems and all forms of negativity of the adult world. Also, disconnecting and thinking will allow you to refocus on yourself and may even help you make complicated decisions.
  • Rediscover his childhood. Coloring is no longer a question of age categories. This creative activity gives you the opportunity to relapse into childhood by reconnecting with forgotten gestures. You become naïve and spontaneous again, worrying only about which accessories and which colors to use to express yourself on paper. To practice individually or with others, you can even share the childish pleasure of coloring with your partner. A fun way to spend time with your other half.
  • Art therapy open to all. Coloring books have all kinds of intricate pictures. Ranging from flowers, to mandalas, a very diverse range of coloring is available to the public. In addition, this form of art therapy is very economical in terms of price.
  • Fight against insomnia. This art therapy can be undertaken in the morning so that the coloring brings out your apprehensions of the day. But the evening is the most effective period for relaxation and this type of anti-stress drawings will be a great way to prepare for a serene time before bed and have a restful sleep, according to Harvard’s advice.
  • Slow down the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Coloring stimulates the brain and restructures thinking. It is a popular creative practice for helping adults with dementia because it allows them to focus on the present moment. Coloring books are even designed for this disease.

Our coloring to share

Lea Lecuyer

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