The Apple Watch saves a life, the Galaxy S23 Ultra screen deforms, this is the recap ‘of the week

An American escapes death thanks to his Apple Watch, several users notice the same defect on the screen of their Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra, generation Z prefers the iPhone to Android in the United States, this is the recap of the week.

Faced with several testimonies of manufacturing defects of the Galaxy S23 Ultra, Samsung specifies that the deformation of the screen is a normal phenomenon. Without his Apple Watch, Reddit member Digitalmofo couldn’t have been saved. As Google finally lifts an unbearable Google Maps restriction, General Motors files a patent for a self-cleaning screen system. Welcome to our weekly recap.

Google is making life easier for Android Auto users

If you’ve been using Android Auto for a long time, you know that until now you couldn’t launch the Google Maps mobile app if the service was already running on your car OS. This annoying restriction has finally been removed and you will now be able to follow your route simultaneously on Android Auto and on your phone. Attention, some users still report some bugs.

Read: Android Auto: Google finally lifts unbearable Maps restriction

Credits – Google

Soon self-cleaning screens on our electronic devices

Fingerprints on the screens of our electronic devices are a real scourge and we have all dreamed of a solution to avoid them. If we are to believe the new patent filed by General Motors, it could be that this problem of systematic fingerprints disappears. Indeed, the car manufacturer would have invented a technology that would make our screens self-cleaning. The patent was named “Self-cleaning system for screens using LEDs emitting invisible violet light”. It remains to be seen whether this process will see the light of day…

Read: With this invention, fingerprints on screens will soon be history

A smartphone with too many fingerprints / Credit – 123rf

Android is not fashionable among 13/25 year olds

According to a survey recently conducted in the United States among 13/25 year olds, it is better to have an iPhone to have a love life. Indeed, the Financial Times published an article revealing that young Americans admit that the choice of smartphone can influence their social and romantic selection. Some women even admit that owning an Android is a reason for breaking up. We understand better why only 10% of young Americans use Android…

Read: iPhone: for 13/25 year olds, owning an Android smartphone is a reason for breaking up

An Apple Watch saves a user’s life

This Apple Watch user praises the merits of his connected watch and we understand why! Indeed, the young American man shared his experience on Reddit, revealing that “without his Apple Watch, he would have passed out and died in his sleep“. The watch alerted him that his pulse was abnormally strong, encouraging him to get tests. The results revealed a heart attack but also internal bleeding. The patient escaped unscathed with an immediate blood transfusion.

Read: Without his Apple Watch, this man would probably have died in his sleep

A man uses an Apple Watch / Credit – 123rf

Does the Galaxy S23 Ultra have a manufacturing defect in the screen?

The Galaxy S23 Ultra is an excellent smartphone and delights users, but it does not seem free from flaws. According to the testimonies of several owners of the Samsung flagship, a manufacturing defect would cause a kind of bubble to appear on the lower right corner of the phone. The Korean giant claims that this screen distortion is a natural and normal phenomenon that “occurs when a strong light source is projected onto the screen” and that’“it is not a defect of the product”.

Read: Galaxy S23 Ultra: users complain about a manufacturing defect in the screen

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