The Arcanist finally arrives on Lost Ark

Announced as soon as the summer 2022 roadmap was revealed, the new advanced mage class is coming. But the Arcanist is not the only novelty of Lost Ark in July, since a new difficulty for Valtan is also integrated. A summer event invites itself in parallel, introducing a new arena. In addition, many balances are planned, in particular concerning the development between each level.

The Arcanist shuffles the cards of fate in Lost Ark

Obviously, the great novelty of this update and what everyone was waiting for: the arrival of the Arcanist on Lost Ark. Fighting with magic-infused cards, this is an advanced class of the mage. Each card has a unique effect, as well as a category among 3. Its ordinary skills are used to do damage and increase its specialty gauge. Stacking skills allow up to 4 stacking effects to be gathered on an enemy, which a Ruin can consume to increase the effects.

Challenges and legion raid, the high level focus

Little new for those who have already reached a relatively high gear score, but an additional challenge. Valtan is getting a new difficulty, while Abyss Dungeons (Challenges) are new weekly activities.

  • Legion Raid: Valtan
    • Minimum Item Level 1445 for Infernal Mode
  • Dungeon of the Abyss
    • Challenge difficulty mode added

Help with progress, enough to catch up

If the first levels already had some semblance of help to climb quickly, the progression is completely revised. The refinement rate for these tiers is set to 100%, with many other additions to help them progress. But level 3 is not left out with a slight increase in the success rate.

  • Level 1 –
    • 100% refinement success rate from level 1 to 15
    • Gain two levels when refining at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11
    • Refining experience required reduced by 20% from level 1 to 15
    • Refine breakthrough cost reduced by 100% from level 1 to 15
  • Stage 2 –
    • 100% refinement success rate from level 1 to 15
    • Gain two levels when refining at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11
    • Refining experience required reduced by 15% from level 1 to 15
    • Refine breakthrough cost reduced by 100% from level 1 to 15
  • Level 3 –
    • Base refine success rate +20% from level 1 to 15
    • Refining experience required reduced by 30% from level 1 to 15
    • Materials and refinement breakthrough cost reduced by 50% from level 1 to 15
    • Refining cost reduced (-30% gold and -50% gear exp)
    • Refining success rate +10%

In addition to these drastic reductions in costs and increased success rate, there are events to help collect upgrade materials. Express growth of the Punika is offered to players, and the Hyper express event facilitates the progression from level 1302 to 1370.

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