The Ascent: cyberpunk RPG launches on PS4 and PS5 with gameplay video

It is in May 2020 that neon-giant unveiled The Ascent, an action role-playing game set in the future cyberbunk. The title was originally billed as an Xbox Series X|S exclusive, but it’s also released on PC and Xbox One, and even in the Game Pass.

And today, The Ascent arrives on new platforms, namely the home consoles of sony. The title is now available on PlayStation 4 and PS5, as the trailer above reminds us. The game includes basic updates with the New Game+The mode Photothe Transmog and additional cosmetics, not to mention haptic features and sounds using the gamepad DualSense of the PS5. On the latest generation console, the title even runs in 4K and at 60 fps.

As a reminder, The Ascent is also entitled to physical releasesyou can find the game in its box at €27.90 on Amazon.

Writer – Tester

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