the astronomical cost of the 200,000 French employees “shelved”

They are invisible to their company. And yet. According to a recent study by the Institut Montaigne, the 200,000 French employees “put away” cost more than 10 billion euros each year.

It’s an open secret. In some companies, employees who we want to separate from but who cannot be fired without taking the risk of ending up in labor courts are “put in the closet”. A pernicious technique which consists in entrusting the employee with non-existent or meaningless tasks to push him towards the exit.

The practice is illegal, recall The echoessince it can be assimilated to moral harassment. However, shelving remains a ultra-taboo subject. It is therefore difficult to quantify it. At least until recently. Because in a note on the employment of seniors, the Institut Montaigne reveals that approximately 200,000 employees would be concerned in France.

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10 billion euros per year

According to the think tank, all profiles and all sectors are impacted. That said, women are more often victims of this practice.

But more than the number of employees concerned, it is the cost of these shelving that calls into question. Estimated at more than 10 billion euros per year, of course it includes the direct costs, related to remaining in the company and the payment of a salary without any real consideration. But also the indirect costs supported by health insurance.

Because putting it in the closet is not without consequences for the psychological health employees. However, “psychological disorders are today the second cause of sick leave in France and are experiencing a sharp increase: 20% in 2022 against 11% in 2016″, deplores the Institut Montaigne.

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Corporate awareness

To fight against this scourge, the think tank recommends launching a awareness campaign with companies, trade unions and HRDs. His goal ? “Shedding light” on shelving and insisting on the deleterious nature of this practice.

Another avenue for improvement mentioned by the authors: integrating this issue into the areas of prevention occupational medicine.

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