the author of Game of Thrones files a complaint against OpenAI

Several well-known authors such as George RR Martin, the originator of Game of Thrones, join the complaint filed by the American Authors Guild association against OpenAI. They accuse the company of training its language model used in ChatGPT with pirated versions of their books.

Credits: Gage Skidmore via Flickr

The ChatGPT conversational robot would be nothing without the data it collects from the Internet. THE language model that it uses must in fact store as much information as possible to provide relevant answers to user queries. The problem is that you can find everything on the Web, for example copyrighted works. What about compensation if they are used to cause ChatGPT ? It’s simple: there are none.

The American association Authors Guildwhich brings together a large number of writers, filed a complaint against OpenAI, at the origin of ChatGPT. She claims that theartificial intelligence used, among other things, pirated versions of books, which constitutes a copyright infringement and “large-scale systematic theft.” Recently, big names in literature have joined the complaint, such as George RR Martin (Game of Thrones), but also John Grisham, Jonathan Franzen, Jodi Picoult or George Saunders.

Famous writers join suit against OpenAI for copyright infringement

Jonathan Frenzen explains that “authors should have the right to decide when their works are used to “train” AI. If they choose to participate, they must be adequately compensated”. The complaint goes further since it considers that OpenAI’s language models “jeopardize the ability of fiction authors to earn a living, to the extent that [ils] allow anyone to automatically generate for free (or very cheaply) texts for which they would otherwise pay authors”.

Read also – ChatGPT: OpenAI and Microsoft face a $3 billion fine for data theft

For its part, OpenAI ensures that its teams “respect the rights of writers and authors […]. We are having productive conversations with many creators around the world, including the Authors Guild, and have worked cooperatively to understand and discuss their concerns about AI.” Despite this displayed good will, the creators of ChatGPT remain the target of increasing numbers of complaints.

Source: Ars Technica

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