“The Bachelor”: Anna and Dominik are planning a future together

“The Bachelor”
Anna and Dominik are planning a future together

The new “Bachelor” dream couple: Dominik and Anna.


The “Bachelor” has decided: Dominik presents Anna with his last rose. When they meet again, they show themselves happily in love.

head or heart? Attractive opposites or the same and the same that likes to associate? Or simply: Anna (33) or Jana-Maria (29)? This fundamental decision had already been indicated for Dominik (30) in the last few episodes. Now there is no way out for the bachelor. In the final (8:15 p.m. on RTL and RTL+ ) he must award the last rose.

He developed feelings for both women. Dominik openly admits this at the start of the last episode. But for which candidates do the emotions reach deeper? For the reasonable, reserved Anna or for the passionate Jana-Maria, like him slightly chaotic? The bachelor wants to find out in the last few dates. With both women, he looks at the highlights of the joint “journey” on a big screen (the word “journey” is often mentioned in the finale).

In retrospect, the differences between the two women on the “journey” are once again evident. Jana-Maria already emerged as the favorite in the first episode. She showed Dominik early on that he was her dream man. Anna initially remained reserved, which aroused the curiosity of the bachelor.

Last uncertainty of the bachelor with Anna

Dominik still has an “uncertainty” with Anna. As a businessman who commutes between Spain and Frankfurt am Main, he is “bound to one’s location”. Anna, on the other hand, is taking a sabbatical and dreams of traveling around the world. It is important to commute these contradictory life plans without him trying to talk Anna out of her dream.

The Hamburg resident is willing to compromise. She doesn’t want to completely “skip” her travel plans. But their priorities have shifted. Because: “I want you in my life,” she says to Dominik. For the first time, she literally admits to the bachelor that she is “in love”. “That should be said,” she says.

Was this confession, which Anna has so far avoided, the decisive building block that changes the decision in her favor?

Jana-Maria wants to change the center of her life for her “lid” Dominik

But first it’s the turn of the last single date with Jana-Maria. The Spaniard by choice is already fantasizing about a future together with the bachelor’s degree, the “lid” on her pot. Unlike Anna, she even wants to change the center of her life for him.

Dominik describes the date with Jana-Maria as “perfect”. He confesses to her that he has a “crush”. So what’s the problem?

Being in love beats being in love

So the bachelor has a “crush” on Jana-Maria – but he is in love with Anna. Dominik Jana-Maria tries to make that clear as gently as possible when awarding the last rose. “The feelings for Anna are stronger”. The scorn tries to smile away her shock, but doesn’t quite succeed. “Then why did you tell me you have a crush?” That’s what the viewers are asking too.

So Anna is the chosen one. She gladly accepts the last rose.

The reunion: Jana-Maria is “in love”

At the obligatory reunion with Frauke Ludowig (58), Jana-Maria looks calm. She “fell in love” after just three days. Dominik seems to find that strange. But his decision for Anna confirms this.

Frauke Ludowig only asks the most important question at the end. Are Anna and Dominik still together? The two respond with action. They kiss and show videos of their life together. Anna has actually changed the center of her life. She is currently moving to Frankfurt for her bachelor’s degree.


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