“The Bachelor”: Anna catches her first overnight date

“The Bachelor”
Anna catches her first overnight date

The bachelor is increasingly spoiled for choice.


Bachelor Dominik is in a dilemma. Should he choose the serious Anna or the “crazy” Jana-Maria?

Premiere on “The Bachelor” (also via RTL +): In the seventh episode, the ladies leave their villa. For the first time in the history of the dome show, camping with the bachelor’s is on the program. Sorry, “glamping” of course. Bachelor Dominik (30) insists on the glamorous variant of simple camping.

A luxurious tent construction is available on the Mexican beach for the seven remaining candidates. The bachelor lives next door. The women all sleep in one large room, the living situation is more reminiscent of “Big Brother” or “Celebrities under the palm trees”. The ladies still find it “cosy”.

First, the bachelor goes on a boat tour with Franziska (26), Emily (23), Nele (28) and Christina N. (27). The trip is uneventful. Apart from Nele’s moderate jealousy when Dominik is dancing with Christina, nothing happens.

After that, Dominik hikes into the jungle with Anna (33) and Chiara (25). An indigenous ceremony awaits there. The three singles are allowed to write their wishes on pieces of paper and hang them up in the forest. Striking: Dominik’s on-off favorite Jana-Maria (29) is the only one who has to stay in the base camp.

Dominik is looking for Anna’s crazy side

Chiara has to go back to the tent after the jungle trip. Anna is allowed to stay in a villa with Dominik. But first, the two climb into the pool. With a lot of champagne, the bachelor tries to lure the always controlled Anna out of her reserve, to tease out her spontaneous side. He succeeds. The obligatory kiss follows. It is the first for Anna, who has long been considered a co-favorite for the last rose.

So after that they spend the night together. As Dominik later assured Jana-Maria, everyone slept on their side of the double bed. In retrospect, Anna only says meaningfully that they “savored the night as best they could”.

The bachelor’s boycott collapses once again

Meanwhile, the six remaining women are bored with glamping. When Anna doesn’t return, they “go to bed aggressively” (Christina). Chiara feels “stepped on the heart”. After all, it’s her birthday the next day. The ladies decide to disregard the bachelor at their next meeting. They have threatened to do so many times, always without long-term consequences.

When Anna and the bachelor arrive the next morning, the mood is actually a bit chilly. But at least Chiara quickly falls over. She is happy about a birthday cake that Dominik brings. She thinks it’s “cute”.

The only one who stays angry and teases the bachelor is Jana-Maria. Although she describes herself as an “easy going girl”, she is reluctant to be played with. Your resilience is not well received by the competitors. Although you wanted to show the bachelor the cold shoulder.

Like-and-like or attractive opposites?

Dominik is also not very impressed by Jana-Maria’s behavior. Nevertheless, he invites her on a one-on-one date. Or just because of that? It seems as if he now wants to test the serious core of “crazy” Jana-Maria. Just as he wanted to see the spontaneous side of the reserved Anna.

Dominik and Jana-Maria flirt and tease each other like teenagers. The bachelor seems to be attracted to the flighty Jana-Maria. Because he describes himself as a little “crazy”. And like and like likes to join for him. Opposites, on the other hand, only attract for a short time, he philosophizes. Is the lead that Anna gained on the overnight date gone again?

The serious Anna and the impulsive Jana-Maria seem to be the favorites despite their differences. In the end Emily and Franziska have to go.


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