“The Bachelor”: Dream dates make Dominik’s dilemma even worse

“The Bachelor”
Dreamdates make Dominik’s dilemma even worse

The bachelor kisses again, here Jana-Maria.


After a nightmarish last group date, the dreamdates are coming up. A loser crystallizes quickly.

Only three women are in the dome show “Der Bachelor” (March 23, 8:15 p.m. RTL and RTL+) in the race. Fans know what that means: the dream dates are coming up! But before the final individual talks, the protocol provides for a final group meeting. In the past episodes, Bachelor Dominik (30) could never do much with these pack flirts. This time, too, there are embarrassing moments and misunderstandings.

Jana-Maria makes up ground on the disaster date

Dominik, Anna (33), Jana-Maria (29) and Nele (28) ride horses through the countryside around Tequila. Exactly, the city from which the spirit of the same name comes. Instead of “tingling” in Nele’s stomach “in the buttocks”. The experienced rider would like to start galloping. She then rides ahead with Anna. Dominik does not follow. His horse, whose name is Dominique, makes capers.

The bachelor is angry that Nele and Anna are not waiting for him. And this despite the fact that he “panics”. Jana-Maria scores with the bachelor because she stays by his side. She doesn’t have a choice at all. Your horse, which is kept on a leash by an employee, simply cannot go any faster. The ride is followed, of course, by a tequila tasting. The mood remains tense. “We had a nice drink on the date,” Dominik admits afterwards.

Despite the love letter, Nele’s ice doesn’t break

The bachelor is back in his element on the Dreamdates. In fact. Because the mood is also a bit tense in the first individual with Nele. Both of them can’t quite get rid of the thought that two other women will be expecting a similar program afterwards. Dominik and Nele visit the house of the great Mexican artist Frida Kahlo (1907-1954).

Later it goes into the obligatory pool. Despite the equally obligatory kisses, the ice doesn’t really break. After the night spent together, they go on a hot-air balloon ride. But the shadows of Jana-Maria and Anna apparently also follow them above the clouds. And that, although the cool Nele surprises the bachelor with a love letter. In the race for the favor of the bachelor, the rider clearly falls behind.

Anna takes the initiative

With Anna, the bachelor also takes off. They fly over the city in a helicopter. Their first date also started in a helicopter. This time there are already kisses in the air. You land on the roof of a skyscraper, inside, of course, a whirlpool is waiting. The Bachelor addresses Anna’s solo horseback ride, which appears to have hurt him more than the women (and viewers) could imagine.

The dissent is quickly cleared up. The always reserved Anna takes the initiative and kisses the bachelor. He’s over the moon about the “new Anna”. Because of their “conquest march” he is “on cloud nine”. He wants to remain silent about what happened during the overnight stay, quite the proverbial gentleman.

Bachelor has a “crush” on Jana-Maria

Dominik sees “no weaknesses” in the run-up to the last dream date with Jana-Maria. Unlike the cool northern lights Nele and Anna, he believes that the Spaniard by choice does not have to be afraid of making mistakes. She also finds no flaws in him, he is her absolute dream man. And she communicates that aggressively, like a schoolgirl in love. Their dream date is similar to the two before: flying, kissing in the pool, staying overnight. At the end, the bachelor’s confession that he had a “crush”. Jana is “scary badly in love” anyway.

In the penultimate rose ceremony of the season, the bachelor is still faced with his old dilemma: head (Anna, Nele) vs. heart (Jana-Maria). He indicates that he wants to follow the head this time. Actually bad omens for Jana-Maria. But Dominik decides against Nele. No surprise after the Dreamdates. Her statement, “You’ve fallen in love,” didn’t sound as enthusiastic as Jana-Maria’s testimonies of love. Anna has at least hinted that she is “on the way” to “falling in love”.

In the final, it’s still head against heart. And then there is no alternative to a candidate like Nele, who was somewhere between the two poles.


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