“The Bachelor”: slaps for Dominik – and a kiss

“The Bachelor”
Face slapping for Dominik – and a kiss

Chiara slaps Bachelor Dominik.


Slaps for the bachelor! But only as part of an acted telenovela. But it says a lot about the real conditions of the show.

Already in the first episode of “The Bachelor” (RTL, 8:30 p.m., also via RTL+) we saw them as an appetizer for the new season: slaps in the face for Rosenkavalier Dominik (30). But even then the suspicion crept in that the slaps were only played. That is now confirmed. In episode six, the bachelor turns a telenovela with the women.

The shoot is part of the first group date. Of course, the candidate who acts as director in each case gets glasses on. Like a strict teacher in an erotic film.

“The Bachelor” reveals itself to be a telenovela

In small scenes, the bachelor plays a man who is dating different women at the same time. Several slaps fall. The real situation of the bachelor is reflected in the films. One or the other candidate would have liked to miss the TV pascha in real life …

The level of acting is passable to manageable. The widespread suspicion that programs like “The Bachelor” are staged is definitely off the table in view of the performance of the actors.

After the end of the shoot, there are a few more one-on-one talks. Jana-Maria (29) uses the opportunity once again for a flirt attack, coupled with allegations for the bachelor. She still seems to believe that she has a claim on Dominik because she fished the first single date in episode one. Her competitors find Jana-Maria’s behavior clearly “over”. Telenovela level in “real” life too.

“Frighteningly beautiful” single date

The second group date is a foursome consisting of Dominik, Emily (23), Nele (28) and Yasmin (23). The quartet eats together, the bachelor tries to find out important details: who likes olives, who doesn’t?

Nele is allowed to stay for a single date. She and Dominik hike through a course in the evening, with tasks waiting at different stations. They have to look into each other’s eyes for a long time or dance together. There is also a kiss. Nele is not only the first in the season to kiss Dominik, but also the first to do so on two different occasions.

For Nele, the evening is the “most romantic moment” in her life. Dominik finds the date “terrifyingly beautiful”. But the night together does not happen. That was what the women in the villa had feared.

Before the roses are given, Franziska (26) announces that she wouldn’t be mad if she didn’t get any. Dominik gives her a flower anyway. Yasmin is the only one who gets nothing in the night of the roses.


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