the bad news is confirmed for August 1

Guest of franceinfo this Tuesday morning, the governor of the Banque de France, François Villeroy de Galhau, returned to the new rate of the Livret A which must apply from August 1. And several clues suggest that the announced increase will be much lower than expected.

François Villeroy de Galhau, the Governor of the Banque de France, confirmed this Tuesday morning on franceinfo that his proposal on the future rate of the Livret A will be made to the Minister of the Economy this Thursday. It is at this time that Bruno Le Maire should therefore formalize the new remuneration of the Livret A which will apply from August 1. The latter has already indicated that he would follow the recommendation of the boss of the French Central Bank.

In theory, it should go from 3% today to 4.1% if we refer to the calculation formula which includes the evolution over the last six months of the average inflation excluding tobacco and that of €ster, an interbank reference rate calculated by the European Central Bank.

Protecting the interests of savers and housing

But in practice, the scenario of a remuneration at 4.1% should not occur. Indeed, without saying so explicitly, François Villeroy de Galhau explained that such a rate is difficult to envisage. “We must preserve the interests of savers on the one hand and on the other a sector which is extremely sensitive for the French, which is the housing sector because the Livret A is used in particular to finance social housing and more generally credit. real estate,” the governor explained.

Before getting a little more specific about the future direction of his recommendation: “It is wise to be a little cautious on the Livret A rate, also thinking about housing finance where there are strong expectations from French. As for the interests of savers, I note, and this is good news, that inflation has fallen since the start of the year, as we have gone from 6% to 4.5%. “.

In this context, the economist Philippe Crevel expects an increase in the Livret A much more measured at 3.5%. This is still better than 3%, but far from the 4.1% hoped for by savers.

Good or bad news for the new Livret A rate? The 3 scenarios that await you

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