The ban on accommodation causes chaos: What is now applicable in which state

In the meantime, a majority of the federal states have decided on an accommodation ban for travelers from places with very high numbers of corona infections, unless they can present a negative corona test that is no more than 48 hours old.

This should take effect for travelers from areas with more than 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days. Family visits and commuting for professional purposes are expressly excluded from the regulation.

Which federal states have issued an accommodation ban for holidaymakers?

Proponents of the ban include:

  • Baden-Wuerttemberg
  • Bavaria
  • Brandenburg
  • Hamburg
  • Hesse
  • Lower Saxony
  • Rhineland-Palatinate
  • Saarland
  • Saxony
  • Saxony-Anhalt
  • Schleswig-Holstein

The majority of these federal states decided that for Travelers from inner-German corona hotspots are prohibited from staying in hotels, youth accommodation and pensions (for specific rules for each federal state, see below).

When can I still enter from a risk area?

That is basically possible. Who at the beginning of his journey a can show a negative corona test no longer than 48 hours old, is also allowed to vacation as a guest from a Corona hotspot in the said federal states. "If you arrive with a negative test, you can enjoy a vacation," said Bavaria's Prime Minister Söder. There is also no quarantine obligation.

Which federal states are not participating?

Bremen, Berlin, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Thuringia submitted minutes of the decision. In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, however, strict entry restrictions already apply (for specific rules in the individual federal states, see below).

Also in North Rhine-Westphalia For the time being, no accommodation bans for vacationers from inner-German Corona hotspots are in force. The state's Corona Protection Ordinance has basically provided this option since mid-July – but not as an automatic mechanism from a certain threshold.

Also read: Stricter sanctions, curfew, alcohol ban – straight into the second wave: These scenarios await us in the Corona autumn

Ban on accommodation: What the states have decided

The joint decision paper – on which the five countries mentioned had made different declarations – states, among other things:

  • It is stated that the increase in numbers "must be countered consistently", above all in order to keep the economy, schools and daycare centers running.
  • Previous resolutions by the federal and state governments in May, June and July and the corresponding "hotspot strategy", which states that restrictions will be issued if the number of new corona infections in a district exceeds the limit of 50 per 100,000 inhabitants, are confirmed past seven days.
  • Citizens are urged to avoid unnecessary travel to and from particularly affected areas.
  • The majority of countries agree to stipulate that tourists from such areas may only be accommodated in a hotel if they can present a negative test that is no more than two days old. Such "free testing" for travel should only be possible if there are enough test possibilities. Tests to maintain the education system, for example, have priority.

Citizens from places with very high numbers of corona infections have to be prepared for considerable difficulties when traveling on vacation within Germany. But traveling abroad is anything but easy. After updating the list of corona risk areas, the bottom line is that only a few countries remain for which travel is neither warned nor advised against. These include the popular holiday countries Italy, Greece, Cyprus and Malta.

criticism of Ban on accommodationen is increasing – will the ban be overturned?

The dispute over the ban on accommodation in many countries to protect against corona infections is intensifying before Chancellor Angela Merkel's meeting with the state ministers' presidents. This Wednesday, the Chancellor and Prime Minister will meet again in the Chancellery for the first time since mid-June and will not meet in a video conference.

From the federal-state top round planned for Wednesday, a "clear signal against small states" should go out, said Union parliamentary group leader Ralph Brinkhaus (CDU) on Tuesday in Hamburg. "We need clarity for the people in Germany – this applies in particular to trips within Germany." In the particularly controversial question of the bans on accommodation, however, no uniform line of the country leaders emerged.

Bavaria and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania defend accommodation bans, criticism comes from Berlin and North Rhine-Westphalia

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania's Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) refused to relax the strict accommodation restrictions in her state. "We did well with our strict rules from the start," she said on ARD. Your country has the lowest number of infections nationwide and does not want to put this at risk.

Berlin's Governing Mayor Michael Müller (SPD), on the other hand, reiterated his criticism. "The ban on accommodation makes no sense and only creates confusion and incomprehension," he told the news portal "ThePioneer". He pointed out that many Berliners commute to the neighboring state of Brandenburg every day – "but they have to be at home to stay the night".

NRW Health Minister Karl-Josef Laumann (CDU) announced on Tuesday that North Rhine-Westphalia will continue not to implement the controversial ban on accommodation for travelers from Corona risk areas. According to his knowledge, such bans "make no sense because they do not help to slow down the chain of infection". Laumann emphasized: "We have to be careful that we retain acceptance for what we do." Many corona measures have been accepted in the past few months. "But this measure ruined a lot of acceptance," he said, referring to the ban on accommodation.

Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) meanwhile warned urgently against a further worsening of the infection situation. "If we do not act quickly and consistently, then worse threatens," he said on Bayerischer Rundfunk. If the number of infections increases across the board, there must be tightened measures everywhere. The CSU politician defended the controversial ban on accommodation for travelers from German corona risk areas.

Urgent warning: last chance before a nationwide second lockdown?

CSU General Secretary Markus Blume warned the heads of government of the federal states against wasting what might be the last chance against a second nationwide lockdown at their meeting on Wednesday. "We only have a very narrow window of time in which we can manage to avoid a new lockdown with very binding measures," said Blume of the "Augsburger Allgemeine" on Tuesday. "Whether we can do that will be decided on Wednesday at the Prime Minister's Conference."

The Federal Government's Tourism Commissioner, Thomas Bareiß (CDU), spoke out in favor of standardizing the accommodation rules. "We need the most uniform and, above all, clear rules that actually serve to protect health, otherwise we endanger public acceptance," he told the Heidelberg Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung.

Chaos in the case of accommodation bans: what is now applicable in which state

to batheWürttemberg

In Baden-Württemberg there are no entry bans or quarantine requirements for travelers from inner-German risk areas. But the ban on accommodation applies: Travelers from places with very high numbers of corona infections may only be accommodated in pensions and hotels if they have a negative corona test that is no more than 48 hours old. This applies to travelers from areas with more than 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days.


There is no entry ban in Bavaria. But the Bavarian Ministry of Health regularly publishes a list of the cities and districts whose residents are not allowed to stay, unless a negative corona test is submitted that is not older than 48 hours. Violations are fined 5000 euros for the hoteliers.


There are no restrictions on entry and the Senate has not yet passed an accommodation ban.


If you plan to drive to Brandenburg from Corona hotspots, you can go on excursions or go shopping. The ban on accommodation applies: Anyone who comes to Brandenburg from a rural district or an independent city with more than 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the past seven days is not allowed to stay in hotels, guest houses, holiday apartments or campsites. Exception: a negative corona test, which must have been a maximum of 48 hours old before departure.


In Bremen there is no entry ban and no quarantine requirement for travelers from inner-German risk areas. There is no ban on accommodation.


There is no entry ban for people from domestic risk areas. Overnight guests must confirm in writing that they have not stayed in a domestic risk area in the previous 14 days. Guests from such areas can stay overnight if they present a negative test result, which must not be older than 48 hours. In the event of violations, the owners of accommodation establishments face a fine of 500 to 1000 euros.


There is no entry ban. However, there is a ban on accommodation for travelers from areas where the incidence was higher than 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the past seven days. The ban on accommodation does not apply to people who can present a medical certificate stating that there are no indications of a corona infection.

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

In addition to a current negative Corona test, the Corona state ordinance still stipulates a 14-day quarantine immediately after entry. The waiting time can be shortened by the responsible health department if a second, self-paid test is also negative after five to seven days. People from a risk area are theoretically allowed to come to Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania for vacation. However, you must bring a current negative corona test with you. In addition, the Corona state ordinance stipulates a 14-day quarantine immediately after entry. This can be shortened with a second negative test.

Lower Saxony

Entry within Germany is not restricted. Day tourism, for example, is also possible from German risk areas. There are also no quarantine requirements for German risk areas. There is a ban on accommodation, but not automatically for travelers from all risk areas. If, for example, the focus of infection is clearly defined, exceptions are possible. Vacationers from the affected areas listed on the Internet can then vacation in Lower Saxony if they present a negative corona test that is no more than two days old.

North Rhine-Westphalia

In NRW there are no entry restrictions and, for the time being, no accommodation bans for vacationers from inner-German corona hotspots.


People who come to Rhineland-Palatinate from a risk region in Germany or abroad must go into a 14-day quarantine after entry. The ban on accommodation, which should apply from Tuesday, was initially put on hold. If it does come into force after the Prime Minister's Conference on Wednesday, anyone who can show a negative test result that was determined no longer than 48 hours ago should stay overnight.


In Saarland, there has been an accommodation ban for travelers from Corona risk areas since the end of June. The ban does not apply to guests who can present a medically certified, negative corona test that is not older than two days.


Entry is permitted. But: Anyone who comes from a risk area must be tested. Until a negative result is obtained, there is an obligation to quarantine at home.


Entry is permitted. However, the accommodation of people from risk areas for tourist purposes is prohibited, unless the guest can present a certificate that there is no evidence of Covid 19 disease.


There are no restrictions in Schleswig-Holstein. There is a ban on accommodation for commercial establishments. However, there is the option of submitting a negative corona test that is no more than 48 hours old.


There are no entry restrictions or other restrictions for people from German risk areas or hotspots. There is no ban on accommodation.

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