The best FOV settings on Apex Legends PC, Xbox and PS

Having the perfect settings for your playstyle is key to improving your chances of winning in Apex Legends. Want to optimize your FOV to match your playstyle? Follow the leader !

The FOV (Field Of View) is a particularly important parameter in shooting games. The latter makes it possible to extend or on the contrary to reduce the field of vision, and the choice of a good value is an important element of the configuration of a game.

Obviously, there is no universal value that allows all players to play better. The FOV setting depends on many parameters such as your hardware, your style of play or simply your preferences. Nevertheless, here are some indications that can help you find the setting that suits you best!

If you choose to set a higher FOV than the starting one:

  • Don’t forget to adjust your sensitivity, as these settings are scaled.
  • Keep in mind that some of the higher values ​​give some players motion sickness.
  • Experiment, as the FOV value will vary from player to player.
Reddit: stefan714

Comparison of different FOV values.

FOV setting at 105 – 110: never be surprised on Apex Legends

With a high FOV you have a very good overview of your surroundings. This is a great help to avoid being surprised since your gaze can cover a wide angle without having to turn the camera.

However, the elements displayed on the screen will undoubtedly be smaller than with a lower FOV setting. As a result, you will spot enemies less at long range, and aiming at distant targets will also be at a disadvantage.

This setting should be avoided on a screen that is too small or if you are playing away from the screen.

Indeed, distant elements can quickly become difficult to discern if they are displayed very small on a screen that is also tiny.

Also, a wider field of view obviously requires your PC/console to display more on-screen, and will therefore have a negative impact on FPS. If this is no problem on a sufficiently powerful machine, it is better to avoid this type of adjustment if you are already experiencing problems with fluidity.

Taking all of this into account, setting the FOV to maximum is clearly favored by the majority of competitive and professional Apex Legends players. You can check for yourself on this site which lists the settings for pro gamers!

Respawn Entertainment

The FOV has a huge impact on your accuracy.

FOV adjustment at 75 – 85: bet everything on precision

With a low FOV setting, you will be able to spot objects more easily from a long distance since they will appear larger than with a more “classic” setting. If you’re a precision geek always looking for a headshot at the other end of the map, you should definitely consider a relatively low field of view value.

However, zooming like this in-game drastically reduces your peripheral vision. Watch out for backhand attacks, because an enemy not coming from the front can easily end up off your screen. A setting of 75 forces you to move the camera more to survey your surroundings.

FOV setting at 90 – 100: the right compromise for the average Apex Legends player

If you don’t recognize yourself in any of the previous cases and consider yourself to be a fairly versatile player, choosing an intermediate FOV value is quite viable. 90 is a good medium, giving you a field of view wide enough to give you good peripheral vision, but tight enough to see small or distant items.

As you will have understood, there is no right or wrong FOV setting, the best way to proceed is still to try.

Changing your FOV is very destabilizing at first. But a few hours with a particular setting will already allow you to have a good feeling about the advantages and disadvantages of each setting.

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