the best remedies of grandmothers

A swollen belly, also called bloating, is often a problem with digestion. Good news, however, because remedies from grandmothers exist.

A swollen belly is a common digestive disorder. Also called bloating, it is usually mild and results from too much gas absorption. The swelling of the belly, when it occurs too frequently, can become embarrassing and disabling to live on a daily basis.

When stomach pain and digestive problems arise, it is first important to know the cause in order to better cope with it. At the same time, some natural remedies from grandmothers can help deflate quickly and effectively.

How to empty your stomach of gas quickly?

The first reflex to adopt, when you are often prone to stomach pain and bloating, is to adopt a healthier and balanced diet. By eating more naturally, bloating is more likely to go away naturally. Eating well and in small amounts with each meal allows the digestive system to absorb less gas.

The choice of food and the amount consumed at each lunch or dinner play an essential role in the quality of digestion. Better safe than sorry, and our grandmothers knew it. They also used natural remedies, including plants in the form of an infusion to relieve bloating: lemon balm, rosemary, green anise, chamomile, peppermint …

Another healthy remedy which will allow you to eliminate gas quickly is to take charcoal. This natural remedy should however be reserved for occasional stomach aches since, in the event of a swollen stomach, it is essential to find the source of the problem before treating the symptoms.

What remedies from grandmothers for a swollen belly?

Also called aerophagia, a swollen belly can cause bloating and upset stomach. Eating properly is now part of your routine, but you notice that you still have stomach problems and that you regularly have swelling in your abdomen? Good news, there are many remedies from grandmothers to relieve you and allow you to live more comfortably.

Activated carbon
When consumed in the form of capsules, activated carbon can fix up to 100 times its volume in gas! This natural solution is therefore an excellent way to reduce bloating and gas. But be careful, because activated carbon tends to fix absolutely everything! Thus, the effects of any drug treatment or a contraceptive pill may end up being reduced, or even canceled altogether. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice on the best course of action.

Baking soda
Rather than adding more chemical treatments, a simple natural remedy is to simply take baking soda to relieve stomach swelling and gas. Baking soda is a well-known grandmother’s remedy not only for health, but also in the kitchen and in the garden. It is one of the best tips for reducing bloating by acting directly against acid reflux and digestion problems.

Essential oils
Aerophagia can, in many cases, be explained by stress. It is not for nothing that we say that the belly is our second brain: the belly does indeed tend to reflect what is happening in our head, hence the need to treat the problem at the source. If you think your aerophagia is due to stress or anxiety, you can turn to essential oils and resort to a cocktail made with noble chamomile essential oil and true lavender essential oil.

Carminative plants
How about using your meals to reduce the swelling of the belly? Carminative plants such as cumin, fennel or even coriander have the ability to absorb flatulence. They can be absorbed with your meals, in soup or gratin, for example, or in the form of seeds and infusion to be taken morning and evening.

Clay water
Clay water is one of the most effective tips to make stomach aches disappear: it acts like a real bandage on your gastric mucosa. To consume it, pour a teaspoon of it into a cup of water and drink this remedy every evening for a period of 2 to 3 weeks, avoiding using a metal spoon. Be careful, this trick is not recommended for pregnant women.

The benefits of rosemary for digestion are well established. Whether you sprinkle each dish with a little rosemary or consume it as a cold or hot infusion, the plant has the effect of speeding up digestion, especially that of fats. Naturally antiseptic and antibacterial, rosemary, especially if you combine it with lemon and ginger, also has the effect of improving transit in just a few minutes.

What Are the Causes of a Swollen Belly?

The swollen belly can be caused by different factors and cause digestive problems of varying severity. Among the most common causes of bloating:

The stress
As you probably already know, the belly tends to mirror what’s going on in the brain. A person under the grip of anxiety will naturally reduce their production of digestive enzymes, causing digestive disturbances which can lead to gas, nausea, or an unpleasant feeling of a constantly bloated stomach.

The weight
A person who is overweight or who gains weight quickly because of a poor diet may experience problems with swelling. Consuming a dish that is too rich, especially when you are not used to it, can cause very unpleasant symptoms such as constipation, stomach aches or a feeling of a swollen stomach. Favor a healthy and balanced diet and consider practicing regular physical activity.

Consumption of certain foods
Always favor natural foods over processed foods. Likewise, pay special attention to foods that could cause excess gas and bloating in the body. This is the case with chewing gum, for example, which tends to swallow too much air and cause aerophagia problems. Dried beans, peas, soybeans and lentils also tend to produce a lot of intestinal gas.

What to drink to avoid being bloated?

The drinks you drink every day have a direct influence on your food system. This is why it is essential to choose the drinks that accompany each of your meals, as well as those that you drink throughout the day.

Drink alkaline water to limit digestive problems
Alkaline ionized water helps naturally deflate the stomach and limit the onset of heartburn. It acts as a real buffer in your body by restoring the body’s internal pH balance. In fact, plain water is one of the only drinks you can afford to consume to avoid bloating problems.

Drink infusions to deflate the stomach
Another effective tip for fighting stomach aches is to drink herbal infusions. Infusions based on fennel, lemon, ginger or even peppermint will have many benefits on your way of digesting. They will reduce anxiety while promoting faster and more efficient transit.

Does drinking coffee help you deflate?
Because it is acidic and tends to increase anxiety, coffee is very bad when you want your stomach to deflate. It is actually irritating for fragile stomachs, especially if it is black. It tends to cause bloating immediately after consumption, and the effects can be even worse when you add sweetener or sugar.

Drinks not to consume
Besides coffee, certain drinks should be absolutely out of your way if you tend to have a swollen and bloated stomach, this is especially the case with all carbonated drinks. The use of a soda machine, for example, is to be avoided if you are regularly a victim of bloating. The same goes for water carbonating machines. Generally speaking, carbonated drinks release gas into the digestive tract, which then tends to cause problems with gas and feelings of bloating.

At the same time, avoid consuming popcorn (which contains a lot of air), chewing gum (which swallows air), garlic (which contains carbohydrates that are difficult to digest) and large salads. compounds (which tend to overfill the stomach).

At any age, bloating can literally ruin your life and be a drag on your daily activities. But fortunately, this is not inevitable, and many natural remedies from grandmothers exist to eliminate pain and feelings of discomfort. Good news for all those who suffer from it regularly and seek natural solutions.

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