The best way to raise happy, fulfilled children is also the least popular

When you become a parent, your main concern is the well-being of your child. You want to do everything in your power to ensure that your child is equipped to face life.

When it comes to parenting, you will always hear stories from people who will go against your way of doing things or who will be able to give you lessons. When you become a parent, the most important thing is to listen to yourself and do as you see fit. Only you know what is good or not for your child.

Having a child means wanting to raise him in the best possible conditions so that he one day becomes a balanced adult and has in his possession all the necessary skills to do whatever he wants. While you are probably doing your best to raise your child in the best way possible, there will be times when they will be angry or sadand that feeling of helplessness is hard to deal with. However, if you’re interested in raising happy children, you may be surprised to learn that the best way to raise happy, fulfilled children is also the least popular, according to experts.

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You have to let your child be unhappy

According to child psychologist Tovah Klein, it is necessary that in order to raise happy and fulfilled children, they must be allowed to be unhappy. Of course, this is not an easy thing since as parents, our first instinct is to do everything in our power to alleviate the suffering of our children. But, rushing to solve their problems will backfire.

Psychologist warns parents against refusing to accept the truth that “children have the right to be angry, sad, unhappy in one way or another”She says it is imperative to give children the opportunity to manage their own feelings and learn to soothe themselves.

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It is important to find a balance

Tovah Klein says it is important to find a balance. Indeed, she makes it clear that you should not completely ignore your child when they are faced with an annoyance. It is possible to help them simply it is recommended that to raise happy and fulfilled children, Your intervention should be limited to helping them breathe or express their feelings through words.. Helping them does not mean giving in to their tantrums, but it does encourages healthy emotional habits.

“Strength comes from being able to feel intense emotions, like anger, to handle them and to know that mommy or daddy is always there for me, that they are not mad at me and that they are not going to push me aside.”says Tovah Klein. The psychologist’s advice is to remember that children’s moods are changeable and not to dwell on their emotional fluctuations. In fact, the best thing to do is to be patient, and to tell yourself that children will eventually overcome their emotions such as grief or anger.

Johanna Wozniak

News Editor

A graduate of the Nice School of Journalism, I am 26 years old and originally from the South of France. Passionate about reading and sports, I am also a …

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