“The big celebrity penance”: Which celebrities are in season two?

“The Great Celebrity Penance”
Which celebs are in season two?

Supposed to be in the new “The Big Celebrity Penance” season: Yvonne Woelke (left) and Daniela Büchner.

© [M] imago images/STAR MEDIA

ProSieben will be showing a second season of “The Big Celebrity Penance” this year. These candidates could get involved.

In the summer of 2022, ProSieben showed the new reality show “Das Große Promi-Büßen” for the first time, in which prominent faces were confronted with past misconduct, among other things. Another season will follow this year. Which celebrities should possibly be there this time, the “Bild” newspaper would like to know.

Accordingly, it is said that the actress Yvonne Woelke (41) is one of the celebrity participants. According to the report, you could join well-known candidates, especially from different reality formats. Listed are: Daniela Büchner (45), Eric Sindermann (34), Emmy Russ (24), Christin Okpara (26), Mike Cees, Patrick Romer, Steff Jerkel, Lisha Savage, Gloria Glumac, YouTuber Leon Machère (31) and TV detective Jürgen Trovato.

Olivia Jones is definitely there

Already in the first season, Olivia Jones (53) invited to “celebrity penance” and in the second season she will again confront the participants with their sins. that there will be further consequences ProSieben and Jones announced in mid-February. It is currently still unclear when exactly this should happen. The new season is “in the starting blocks” and is scheduled to appear in 2023, However, the broadcaster has not yet revealed exact details.

The possible candidates have not yet been officially confirmed by ProSieben. Regarding reports about Woelke’s possible participation, the broadcaster only says on its website that fans of the format “could look forward to top names”. More detailed information will be announced in good time.


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