the big mistake spotted by internet users


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Do not stray, available on Netflix, has reacted many Internet users … For good, but also badly. Some have found an error in the scenario and not the least.

Certainly, Don’t walk away is among Netflix’s biggest hits right now. But famed writer Harlan Coben’s series isn’t perfect. To tell the truth, it even has a big error in the plot and Internet users have not missed it. As a reminder, Don’t walk away spotlights Megan, a mother who moved on from her past as a stripper seventeen years ago. But old acquaintances resurface, at the risk of upsetting her peaceful daily life.

The small problem is that many of her fans of the series have wondered how Megan was able to change her identity and live incognito for seventeen years, when her past life is very close to her family home. “All of this could have been avoided if Cassie/Megan had moved to another city, another state or another country. How do you start a new life by going down the street next to your old life?! It must have had some hard time. sense.” Or : “Did Cassie/Megan at least walk away from her past? Looks like she just crossed the bridge and changed her hair color to change her life.”

Read also : Don’t walk away (Netflix): what are the differences between the end of the series and Harlan Coben’s book?

In Don’t Walk Away, how did Megan remain incognito for 17 years?

Indeed, Megan’s past is ultimately not so far from her new life. The heroine therefore did not choose the most effective strategy to go incognito. We even wonder how she managed not to be unmasked for 17 years… This screenplay choice is even surprising on the part of the master of thriller Harlan Coben.

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