the big mistakes you undoubtedly make

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Hypersensitivity is a character trait that is often considered a failing disease! A person who is considered hypersensitive is generally very empathetic, which is why many prejudices persist concerning them. Back to the mistakes that the majority of hypersensitive people make in their everyday life.

Accepting your hypersensitivity is already a big step. The philosopher Fabrice Midal, author of Am I hypersensitive? brought the keys to understanding this character trait and avoid repeating certain errors that could harm your daily life.

If you are hypersensitive, it is possible that you consider yourself too fragile in the face of certain situations. But think again! To be vulnerable is not to be fragile. It’s even more than that! Vulnerability allows us to approach an event with flexibility, we go further in our feelings and we try to understand where the problem comes from. On the contrary, it is important to do not confuse feelings with reality ! A hypersensitive person can fail to interpret a situation in one way when in reality it is quite different and unfortunately feel isolated and rejected. It is therefore essential to let things settle while pushing theanalysis of how we feelin the moment. If, for example, a friend did not say hello to you when you arrived at a party, do not immediately tell yourself that this person is angry with us, he may simply have been busy with something else at the time or not to have seen us.

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Accept yourself as you are!

It is very difficult for a hypersensitive to accept yourself as you are . The gaze of others largely defines the person they are. Phrases heard from early childhood like “be less emotional”, “learn to manage your emotions” are like knives for this type of person. It is important that hypersensitive people get to know themselves and tame this character trait by finding the keys to soothing their emotionswithout wanting to calm down at all costs. To flourish requires the acceptance of one’s difference!

The people? Everyone! Passionate about media, networks, series, films, and investigative investigations of all kinds, it is natural that Jessica turned to writing and that she takes…

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