the bill arrives at the Snat on Tuesday

The bill “accelerating the reconstruction of degraded buildings” during “urban violence” will be submitted to the Senate on Tuesday, then next Thursday to the National Assembly, announced Thursday the Minister of Territorial Cohesion Christophe Béchu.

The challenge of this bill is to authorize the government to take measures by ordinance in three areas allowing an acceleration, he explained to the press after the Council of Ministers which adopted the text.

These three areas correspond to the three articles of this short text, of which the first version had four, promised by Emmanuel Macron on July 4 to accelerate reconstruction in the cities affected by the riots following the death of the young Nahel, killed by the shooting of a policeman during a Nanterre road check on 27 June.

The first article concerns town planning and allows in particular the immediate start of the work as soon as the application for authorization is filed, in order to shorten the deadlines to which the administration is usually bound, underlined the minister.

The second relates to the public order which usually passes by invitations to tender: We plan to remove the obligation of publicity, which involves incompressible weeks during which you must wait for the offers, underlined Mr. Bchu.

We absolutely do not question the need to ensure that there is a consultation and a comparison of different offers, he nevertheless specified.

Finally, the third article will allow local authorities to recover VAT in the current year without waiting for the current two-year deadline.

We are also creating the possibility of a 0 remaining charge for the communities concerned, by removing the minimum conditions for participation which is at least 20%, indicated the minister.

According to him, a total of 500 municipalities were affected in one way or another by the riots, with 700 buildings having suffered very substantial damage and around fifty having been completely demolished.

For their part, the LFI deputies have tabled their own bill to demand full compensation and without liability for individuals, businesses, associations and public services damaged during the urban uprisings.

They demand the creation of an exceptional compensation fund, managed by the State and supplemented by the contribution of insurance companies for the compensation of SMEs and individuals. They also want a fund for solidarity and aid for the economic recovery of SMEs, financed by a tax on the superprofits of the biggest companies.

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