The bodies of two children found at their home, the mother admits the unthinkable

This Friday, July 7, two children were found dead at their home. Their mother confessed to her crime, committed in horrific circumstances.

On this Monday, July 10, more than 400 people took part in the white march in Wargnies-le-Grand, in the Hauts-de-France region. This was organized in tribute to Gabriel and Océane, two children aged 5 and 10, who died tragically. This sister and her brother were found dead in their family home.

Stunned, the public prosecutor of Valenciennes indicated in a press release that their mother admitted to having killed them. This drama took place in a specific context: that ofseparation from father of the youngest child. The mother “did not intend to entrust custody within the framework of a decision of the family affairs judge of the judicial court of Avesnes-sur-Helpe”, it has been reported. She told investigators that she had drugged her children in their administering medication in order to put them to sleep, then drown them in the bathtub of the family home.

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The mother was taken into custody

The 35-year-old mother of two children was already followed by social services. She would also have tried to end her life after killing Gabriel and Océane, but did not succeed. Following her terrible confession, the mother was taken into custody. She is indeed prosecuted for murder by ascending to a minor of 15 years. The premeditation was retained by the prosecution. The statement from the court explains that“a first psychiatric expertise retained an alteration of discernment”.

However, there is no complete abolition. Which means that Gabriel and Océane’s mother is found criminally responsible for his actions, at this stage of the investigation. She was therefore charged and remanded in custody. Following such a tragedy, the inhabitants of the village of Wargnies-le-Grand remain in shock and, more than anything, in incomprehension.


Cannes native of Toulouse, Déborah loves shopping as much as supporting her favorite rugby team. A true writing enthusiast, she reveals all the scoops and latest…

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