The Boys: 8 references to Supernatural in the Prime Video series

Before adapting the series of comics The Boys for the small screen, Eric Kripke had created another very popular series: Supernatural. A show dear to his heart to which he slipped several winks during the 3 seasons of Amazon production.

Since The Boys’ debut on Prime Video, Eric Kripke has slipped a few subtle references to his old series into the new one, but the easter eggs have intensified with the arrival of Jensen Ackles (aka Dean Winchester in Supernatural) in the main cast in season 3.

When you think of how many people on the creative team of this show come from Supernatural – me, [le producteur exécutif et réalisateur] Phil Sgriccia, Jensen, [le compositeur] Christopher Lennertz – we couldn’t resist slipping a few things in there because this series has been such a big part of our lives”, recognized the showrunner during an interview with variety. Here they are :

A Robert Singer hides another

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In the last episode of the first season of The Boys, viewers were able to discover the Secretary of Defense of the United States of the universe of the series: a certain Robert Singer, played by a former Supernatural, Jim Beaver. And the two characters don’t just share the same face, they also have the same name!

Indeed, the actor played in the fantastic series Bobby Singer, father figure of the two heroes. A name that was already a wink at the time since it referred to a screenwriter, director and producer of Supernatural, Robert Singer.

But that’s not all, the Singer of The Boys, now a presidential candidate, and that of Supernatural also share the same city of origin, Sioux Falls in South Dakota. On the other hand, despite his efforts, Eric Kripke did not manage to reunite Jim Beaver and Jensen Ackles in a scene of The Boys, because “they were in different plots”, as he confided to variety.

But he still wanted to have a scene reminiscent of their past connection. “I personally wrote the moment when Soldier Boy reacts to the Singer poster in episode 5. I thought to myself that [les fans] were going to kill me if I didn’t recognize that they’re both in this universe. So I inserted it,” he said.

An iconic car

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In season 2, it is another mythical “character” from Supernatural that Eric Kripke placed in the image: Dean’s car. In the latest episode, fans of the monster series did indeed recognize the Chevrolet Impala nicknamed Baby by its owner in an animated montage that aired on TV and revealed Stormfront’s Nazi past. A furtive but joyful moment since the famous car overthrows the supervillain!

The antichrist turned Soldier Boy’s sidekick

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During season 5 of Supernatural, the Winchester brothers have to deal with the antichrist in the form of a little boy, played by Gattlin Griffith. More than 10 years later, the actor shared scenes with Jensen Ackles, in the flashbacks of episode 3 of the third season of The Boys, where he plays young Gunpowder, Soldier Boy’s sidekick. The 23-year-old comedian celebrated their reunion with a post instagram.

The forbidden weapon

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In the very first scene showing Gunpowder and Soldier Boy, the latter is holding a rocket launcher that Grace Mallory forbids him to fire. A nod to Dean Winchester’s grenade launcher in Supernatural that the young man kept in his trunk for 12 seasons before finally having the opportunity to use it, for his greatest pleasure, his brother having often refused the opportunity.

Soldier Boy’s entry inspired by Castiel

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For the introduction of Soldier Boy in the present, at the end of episode 4, Eric Kripke wanted to do things big and he was inspired… by his own work! “We needed a huge reveal scene for him. It’s funny, I thought a little about Supernatural”, he indeed revealed to TVLine.

And to continue: “I still think that the best entry that I have probably made is that of Misha Collins [dans le rôle de Castiel]. It’s an entry! That’s how you get into a series, damn it!

And so we thought a lot that we needed something really grand [et] big, and we had this idea of ​​something massive, a door, that opens, and he emerges through the steam, having this huge explosion in him.” And so the doors of a barn for Castiel gave way to the door of a cryogenic chamber for Soldier Boy.

A very significant date

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In the following episode, the Boys watch videos of the experiments that the Russians are subjected to Soldier Boy and we learn that one of these operations took place on January 24, which is none other than the date birthday of Dean Winchester. A date that Eric Kripke did not choose at random : it is in fact the day of birth of his wife!

Can’t Fight This Feeling Anymore

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During season 2 of Supernatural, a scene shows Dean singing Can’t Fight This Feeling Anymore by REO Speedwagon in his precious car, after having made fun of the song a few scenes earlier. Sequences that Eric Kripke necessarily had in mind when he chose the same title to illustrate the scene from episode 7 of season 3 of The Boys in which Soldier Boy masturbates in front of elderly women!

Plans seen from the trunk

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Always at varietyEric Kripke shared one of his favorite snaps from this season: the shots filmed from the trunk of a car, as was often the case in Supernatural when the Winchester brothers recovered their arsenal of weapons in Baby before to slam the trunk and declare “We have work to do”.

In episode 5 of season 3 of The Boys, we have the right to such a plan with Hughie, Butcher and Mother’s Milk, but the wink is even more obvious in episode 7 where Soldier Boy replaces MM in a shot seen from the trunk. “The Supernatural reference that comes to mind that people appreciate is that we tend to do a lot of shots through the trunk.

We did a few, because it’s me and Phil Sgriccia. So having Jensen in Episode 7 and doing one of the trunk shots with Jensen is something we asked for very specifically because we felt it would be a fun callback for the fans,” the director wrote. scriptwriter.

Plans which have also inspired the community manager of the series since they posted them on social media slipping each time a small reference to Supernatural.

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