the brilliant trick of a makeup artist to erase them

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Also called texting wrinkles recently, neck wrinkles are among those that betray our age the fastest. Discover the simple and almost “magical” make-up trick to reduce them.

After having focused for a long time on our crow’s feet wrinkles which crease at the corner of our eyes, we are (finally) starting to talk about the other wrinkles on our face such as marionette wrinkles or even THE texting wrinkles, the new little name for wrinkles located in the neck. Often very marked, these horizontal wrinkles form what is also called the “venus necklace”, a set of wrinkles that grow deeper and faster from having our eyes riveted on the screen of our telephone. Just like the hands the neck is indeed one of the areas of the body that betrays our age the fastest.

Famous makeup artist Bobbi Brown assured the American version of the She : applying an anti-aging treatment to your neck is not the only reflex to take on a daily basis to make them disappear. If you’re trying to make them disappear, makeup can also work wonders on the marked wrinkles on your neck when you use it well… Bronzing powder ! A make-up product that is certainly surprising, but whose anti-wrinkle effects are immediate.

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How to make up your neck to reduce your neck wrinkles?

The 54-year-old professional makeup artist started from the observation that she encounters “many women whose complexion is lighter in the neck because the face gets more sun” and that this difference in skin color makes neck wrinkles much more visible. It therefore invites us to unify the complexion and skin tone of the skin in the neck “by tanning the neck and décolleté” with sun powder.

She advises to apply it “gently, with a very broad brush” in the neck to distribute the product well and not leave traces, then to come to pass it on the face without reapplying powder to harmonize everything. Just as a tan blurs the imperfections of our face in the summer, this little powder shot effectively reduces neck wrinkles. To give an even more natural look to the skin and your tanned complexion, you can also add a hint of “blush over bronzer” which perfectly recreates the redness that the skin naturally takes on.

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The shopping you need to blur your text wrinkles:

The trick in addition to the makeup artist

For the most flattering anti-aging makeup, the makeup artist recommends making sure to moisturize this area of ​​the body before even thinking about concealing text lines with bronzer because “dry skin can make skin look older”. We have been warned, it remains essential to moisturize your neck so that it immediately looks younger.

Passionate about writing and beauty, Elodie swaps her lipstick for her laptop to find you the best makeup, hair and skincare trends, and pro tips…

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