the browser launches an AI assistant like no other on Android

Brave, the browser that blocks ads and trackers, is introducing a new feature for its Android users: an AI assistant called Leo.

Brave has just introduced Leo, a smart and versatile assistant that can help users perform various tasks, such as summarizing web pages, translating pages, creating content, and more. Leo is already available on Android devices and will soon be available on iOS devices.

Leo can do many things that other popular LLMs like ChatGPT can do, but with more confidentiality. Users can ask Leo questions, request summaries of web pages or videos, generate long-form written content, translate or rewrite pages, create transcriptions of video or audio content, and even write code. Leo can also help users with everyday tasks, such as preparing a recipe, getting travel tips, comparing products, and more.

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Why is Brave’s new AI different?

Brave has always prioritized the privacy of its users, and that is exactly what the browser wants to do with its new artificial intelligence. Brave claims Leo is the most privacy-friendly AI assistant on the market. Unlike other assistants, Leo does not record or use chats for model training. All requests are sent through an anonymization server and all responses are rejected after being generated. Users also don’t need to create a Brave account to use Leoand if they do, their subscriptions are validated by unlinked tokens, so Brave can’t track their activity or email.

To use Leo on Android, users need to open the Brave browser, type in the address bar and click “Ask Leo”. They can also access Leo from the three-dot menu and tap “Leo” for an on-page chat experience. Users must upgrade to version 1.63 to access Leo, which will be rolled out gradually over the coming days.

Finally, note that Leo uses different LLMs to obtain the best results for each task. Users can choose between Mixtral 8x7B, Claude Instant from Anthropic and Llama 2 13B from Meta, or upgrade to Leo Premium for higher pricing limits and access to more LLMs. Leo Premium costs $14.99 per month and covers up to five devices running Android, Linux, macOS and Windows.

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