The Caisse des Dpts ends the financing of new oil and gas projects

The Caisse des Dpts (CDC) group made new commitments on Wednesday to mitigate climate change, including the cessation of financing for new oil and gas projects, on the eve of Climate Finance Day.

In the context of an environmental emergency, the Caisse des Dpts group is strengthening its commitments (…) and adopting its first action plan to adapt to the effects of climate change, indicates a press release.

The group now excludes from its direct investments and financing the development of new oil and gas production projects and the transport infrastructure directly associated with these new projects.

The Fund itself (excluding Bpifrance, La Poste and their subsidiaries) also undertakes to exclude from its investments companies that do not have a plan to reduce oil production.

The CDC will also be more demanding by stopping from 2023 to invest (via equity investments or credits in the form of bonds) and to finance (via loans) companies whose turnover is linked more than 5% thermal coal, against 10% previously, in line with an announcement made the day before by the insurer of its subsidiary La Poste (CNP Assurances).

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The contribution to ecological transformation is at the heart of the raison d’être of the Caisse des Dpts group, affirms the group’s general manager Eric Lombard, quoted in the press release and whose mandate comes to an end at the end of the year.

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