the candidate reveals the secrets of her weight loss

For several weeks, Noémie has shown a new silhouette. The young woman has become more refined and seems more fulfilled than ever. On Instagram, she revealed the secrets of her weight loss.

Noémie was one of the emblematic candidates of season 17 of Love is in the meadow. The farmer had won the hearts of viewers of the show and even found love in the program. If her love affair with her suitor Gaël did not last, she has good memories of the M6 ​​program. Last October, Noémie was present in Love seen from the meadow in order to give news to viewers.

The opportunity for the young woman to reveal her transformation: “Last year on the show I was blonde. Today it’s my real hair, my real color. They’re coming back, so I’m very happy. This is me 100% natural. It’s a continuation of my work on myself. There is no need for artifice to be pretty, to please and to feel good about yourself”, she confided. Now, Noémie seems very fulfilled. After returning to her natural color, the young woman also lost a lot of weight, as noted by her subscribers.

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Noémie thanks her subscribers for their support

This Monday, December 4, Noémie organized a question-and-answer session on Instagram. She took the opportunity to reveal her method for weight loss. “I don’t go on a diet, I just pay more or less attention to what I eat. I got back into sport, cycling about three times a week and strengthening my muscles at home. I never step on the scale, when I feel good in my head and in my body it will be the ideal weight for me”, she explained. She then sent a message to her subscribers: “In any case, thank you for all the messages I receive, it’s encouraging”she concluded.

A journalist for several years, Léa specializes in the web. Versatile, she likes to decipher daily news. His favorite subjects are: health, well-being, lifestyle and…

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