The Castex government “will remain in place” until at least May 13, according to Attal

“The Castex government will go to the end of Emmanuel Macron’s first five-year term, which ends on midnight May 13,” spokesman Gabriel Attal said on Wednesday, reporting the Head of State’s remarks during the Council of Ministers.

“The Castex government will go to the end of Emmanuel Macron’s first five-year term, which ends on midnight May 13,” spokesman Gabriel Attal said on Wednesday, reporting the Head of State’s remarks during the Council of Ministers. This declaration therefore rules out any appointment of a new team by this date, while speculation is rife about the candidates to replace Jean Castex at Matignon. “The government is at work to act, to protect the French, to take all the necessary decisions, and the time for individual decisions and appointments has not come. No proposal has been made to anyone on the matter. “, said Gabriel Attal, still quoting the head of state.

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Emmanuel Macron’s investiture ceremony, scheduled for Saturday, does not kick off the second term, which does not start until May 14, he said. “The mandate of the President of the Republic runs until May 13 at midnight and the Castex government will remain in place until the end of this 1st term of Emmanuel Macron.” For the moment, “the government is responsible for anticipating and preparing the texts on the president’s commitments in the electoral campaign, such as the indexation of pensions to inflation from July” and “the development of renewable energies” to “reduce delays and simplify”. Before his ministers, the Head of State also recalled that “the Castex government is hard at work on various current issues”, in particular the war in Ukraine and its consequences as well as the evolution of the Covid epidemic. -19.

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The health situation, in “very clear improvement, will give rise to adaptations in the coming weeks” of the measures in force, added the Head of State without further details, according to Mr. Attal. On the war in Ukraine, the president recalled having spoken on Tuesday with Vladimir Putin and having underlined “the extreme gravity of the Russian aggression” and expressed “his concern about the situation of civilians in Mariupol and in the Donbass”. He also called for continuing the evacuation of the Azovstal factory and working on lifting the Russian blockade of Ukrainian exports through the Black Sea, in order to ensure global food security. “We continue to work resolutely to help Ukraine,” added the spokesperson, indicating that France had taken in “more than 51,000 refugees”, for which President Volodymyr Zelensky thanked the President of the Republic.

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