The cause has been clarified – the lights went out in 850 Viennese households

The flashlights had to be unpacked in 850 households in the 9th district shortly before midnight on Tuesday. After more than an hour, the small blackout could be repaired. A construction site was to blame again this time.

The late evening activities of numerous Viennese were abruptly interrupted by a large-scale power failure shortly after 10 p.m. yesterday evening. At 10:02 p.m. sharp, 850 households from the Friedensbrücke via the Althanviertel around the Franz-Josefs-Bahnhof down to Alser Straße were completely dead. A “ground fault” was the cause, according to Wiener Netze spokesman Christian Call.Blue light operation at night, the technicians with blue lights and several teams immediately rushed to the 9th district to find the cause of the mini blackout. First and foremost, however, electricity was switched to quickly bring light back to the houses that were left in the dark. At 11:11 p.m., all but one of the houses were back on the power grid – by midnight the problems had been largely resolved. Construction site at the ex-electricity center was to blame. “Our technicians try,” says Call, “that they fix every failure within 90 minutes.” Wednesday morning the cause was already established. A defective power cable – of all places on the construction site of the former Wien Strom-Zentrale at the old AKH – caused the inconvenience. The cable has since been replaced.
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