the causes of the death of his grandson at 19 revealed

Three days after news broke of the tragedy that struck Robert De Niro’s family, his adopted daughter, Drena, has shared the circumstances under which her 19-year-old son died.

In the space of a few months, Robert de Niro has boarded a veritable emotional elevator. Indeed, the interpreter of Travis Bickle In Taxi Driver announced a happy event last May: the birth of her seventh child! At 79, the actor has once again become the proud father of a little girl born from his union with Tiffany Chen. While living on cloud nine, the couple was overtaken by a grim reality. This Monday, July 3, 2023, Drena De Niro, the adopted daughter of the Hollywood juggernaut, bitterly announced the death of her son Leandro..

“I don’t know how to live without you but I will try to carry on and spread the love and the light that you made me feel so much by becoming your mom. You were so deeply loved and appreciated and I wish that only love can save you. I’m so sorry for my baby”she wrote with a heavy heart on instagram. The young man and grandson of Robert de Niro was just 19 years old at the time of the tragedy.

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Carried away by a plague

As mourning now descends on the family of Robert de Niro, his daughter has again seized his account instagram. Drena De Niro-Rodriguez has indeed shared a message in which she evokes the circumstances in which her son, just 19 years old, died. Despite the great pain experienced by the bereaved mother, she wanted to share this information with her many subscribers who were visibly worried about her. Indeed, since the announcement of the tragedy, little information regarding the reasons for the death of Leandro De Niro-Rodriguez has been shared.

A situation that ended the daughter of Robert De Niro. “Someone sold him fentanyl pills that were cut to other drugs, knowing full well they were cut, so for all these people still selling and buying this crap, my son is gone for all time”she wrote on instagram. The grandson of Robert De Niro, who had chosen to follow in the footsteps of his grandfather, was carried away by a scourge which is raging in the United States.

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Faced with the atrocious circumstances of this tragedy, many Internet users sent messages of support to the victim’s mother in Instagram comments. A wave of love that Drena De Niro-Rodriguez also wanted to salute in her publication, while explaining the need to meditate with her loved ones in this tragic moment.

Passionate about social issues and digital addict, he puts his pen to the service of information. Interested in all themes, Hugo is delighted to work for aufeminin …

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