the ceiling goes up to 25 euros from October 1st

The daily ceiling for restaurant vouchers will be raised to 25 euros from 1 October. Pending the increase in the ceiling, the French can now pay with any food product, whether or not directly consumable.

The daily ceiling for restaurant titles will increase from 19 to 25 euros from October 1according to our colleagues from France Info. The measure had already been announced at the end of July by Bruno the Mayor. In these difficult times for our compatriots, I want to make life less expensive, so I am ready to increase the ceiling from 19 to 25 euros, he had declared BFMTV. It’s a good proposal from LR deputies, socialists and ecologists, and I take it.

The office of the Minister of the Economy had confirmed to MoneyVox that there would be, at the beginning of September, a consultation with the National Commission for restaurant vouchers (…) with a view to setting up the daily ceiling for payment in restaurant vouchers 25 euros.

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All food products now concerned

Until now, only immediately edible food products (fruits and vegetables, sandwiches, etc.) could be paid for with restaurant vouchers. from this Thursday, September 1 and until the end of 2023, any food product, whether or not it is directly consumable is concerned. The employer’s share exempt from taxes also goes from 5.69 euros to 5.92 euros. The maximum face value of the title comes from 11.38 11.84 euros.

Restaurant voucher: what can you really pay with? (and 10 other questions)

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