The Center France group announces a draft daily voluntary departure plan “La Montagne”

In a context of“erosion of diffusion” from his journals “in their paper version”the Center France group announced a draft voluntary departure plan concerning seventy positions in the regional daily The mountain, Tuesday June 18. The group also announced the closure by the end of 2024 of its agency in Riom, sub-prefecture of Puy-de-Dôme, located around fifteen kilometers north of Clermont-Ferrand.

During the meetings of the group committee and the CSE of the economic and social unit (UES) of The mountain “which were held, successively, today [mardi], in Clermont-Ferrand, an adaptation project for the future of the Center France group was presented in detail to staff representatives”writing the group’s management on its website.

The first measure concerns “the implementation of a draft voluntary departure plan without forced layoffs within the UES La Montagne. It would concern 70 positions (including 24 journalists in six departments). At the same time, 11 positions would be created”.

The management also wishes to sell the weekly The country (Roanne), located in the Loire, “at the edge of the group’s natural diffusion zone”. It also envisages the reduction, from July 2, of the format of newspapers (daily and weekly) printed in Auxerre and provides for the opening, at the start of the school year in September, of negotiations with the social partners on various subjects, including that of time work and remuneration.

This adaptation project aims to “continue to fight the battle to limit the erosion of the circulation of our newspapers in their paper version”, she assures. At the same time, management aims to develop, “within three years, the share produced by diversification activities will reach 20% of the group’s turnover. It is currently close to 10%”. This includes strengthening the digital offering.

According to Laurence Coupérier, SNJ union representative, the plan would concern two daily positions Awakening of Haute-Loire. “For those who leave, it’s less of a concern since it’s voluntary. For the working conditions of those who remain, on the other hand, it is extremely worrying because we are already at a standstill”she declared to Agence France-Presse, on behalf of the inter-union SNJ and SNJ-CGT.

“Regarding the management project, it is very worrying, because the workforce has been declining for years and we have the impression that it is only a step-by-step management of decline”she added.

The Center France press group has 1,481 employees and brings together eight daily newspapers including, in addition The mountain, The Center Journal And Republican Yonne as well as nine weeklies spread over fourteen departments. It claims to distribute 275,000 copies of newspapers per day and 163 million euros in turnover.

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