The Court of Auditors will launch its first “citizen origin checks”

Tax fraud, hunters, medical interim … The Court of Auditors will look into six areas for its first salvo of “citizen origin checks”, announced Monday its first president Pierre Moscovici in a column in the newspaper Liberation.

“The Court can be seized by Parliament and the government. It seemed to us that the citizens were missing in this equation. This absence is now filled, ”explains Pierre Moscovici in this forum.

At the end of a two-month consultation carried out on its website between March and May, the institution selected six “general public and acclaimed” themes: access to school for disabled students, fraud taxation of individuals, public support for federations of hunters, equality between men and women, medical interim and permanent care, as well as the use by the State of private consulting firms.

In total, 9,000 Internet users participated in this consultation and 330 controls were proposed and discussed.

“Through the reports that will result, we will try to do things differently, to put ourselves even more in the place of users of public services”, promises the first president, who thus concretizes a commitment made on his arrival at the head of the institution in 2020.

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“The strengthening of transparency and the desire to participate more directly in institutional and political life are today strong demands, which all public institutions face”, he further justifies in this forum.

The institution plans to renew the experience on other subjects and why not in the future, to directly involve voluntary citizens in its controls, assures Pierre Moscovici.

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