the crazy sum requested as contribution by the banks for a Paris purchase

150,000 euros: a quarter of the average amount of transactions recorded in the capital is now requested by banks to lend money. More broadly, the average amount of the contribution increases everywhere in France: 60000euros on average against 48000euros, a year ago.

150000 euros. This is the average amount of the personal contribution requested by the banks to grant a real estate loan in Paris according to the broker Capfi, quoted by BFM TV. This already very large amount corresponds to 27% of the average amount of transactions in the capital, i.e. 555555 euros. More broadly, the average amount of the contribution increases everywhere in France: 60,000 euros on average against 48,000 euros a year ago.

Beyond Paris, the south-eastern Mediterranean sector is also affected by an increase in the amount of the contribution, around 80,000 euros on average against 33,000 euros in Hauts-de-France. One more difficulty in a real estate market hit hard by the rise in interest rates and the scissor effect of the interest rate which limits potential buyers in their negotiations with banks.

Tight warranties

The latter thus require more and more guarantees. In fact, not only is appetizer more and more important, but it is not enough. Loan seekers must also keep enough precautionary savings to deal with life’s hardships.

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The average credit rate over 20 years rose from 1.45% in April to 1.85% in July, according to broker Meilleurtaux. Banks are looking for profiles with high incomes and the ability to bring back savings after the project, explains a MoneyVox expert. For the others, take care of your file and cross your fingers.

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