The creators of Picross return with Logiart Grimoire

In the “game with a timeless style” genre, we ask for the Picross Please. Based on a principle of confusing simplicity – on a grid of variable size, all you have to do is tick boxes according to the numbers appearing on the abscissas and ordinates of the grid to make an image appear -, the series of Picross seems indestructible. With more than twenty iterations since its debut (Mario’s Picross on Game Boy and Mario’s Super Picross on Super Nes in 1995), the immortal puzzle game is about to receive a spiritual heir on PC and Nintendo Switch: Logiart Grimoire. Good news: Jupiter Corporation, creator of the license, is still in control. Good news again: the game will be in early access on Steam from September 12th.

Jupiter Ascending

As for the concept, as my grandmother would say: “the best soups are made in old pots”. Logiart Grimoire (Logiart For Logic-Art) will therefore not change the historical formula of Picross one iota. You will have to reveal the drawings hidden in grids by checking the right boxes. The title of Jupiter Corp. will feature 280 puzzles, with grids ranging from 5×5, 10×10, 15×15, 20×15, 30×30, up to 40×30. Small innovation, it will be possible to merge two to three solved puzzles to create new ones. Added to this is an overlay of lore, with a new mascot called Emil, magician of his state, that you will have to help restore the grimoire of the title by solving the puzzles it contains. The game does not currently have an official final release date.

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