The Crown: This scene shouldn't appear in season four

Season four of "The Crown" provides plenty of material for discussion. A scene in episode nine shouldn't have existed like this at all.

The fourth season of "The Crown", which has been available on Netflix since November 15, has already caused a lot of talk. For the most part, the actresses Emma Corrin (24) as the young Princess Diana and Gillian Anderson (52) as then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher were in the focus of the debates. Now a new debate is emerging that only relates to a supporting role, but behind it hides a great personal fate.

Warning, spoilers: The following passages deal with content from season four, episode nine.

Tragic skiing accident in 1988

Topic of the debate: The ninth episode of season four with the title "Avalanche" (original title "Avalanche") is about a skiing accident that occurred in March 1988. Prince Charles, then 39 years old, was amusing himself with friends in the Swiss ski resort of Klosters, among them Major Hugh Lindsay (1954-1988), a former professional soldier and stable master of Queen Elizabeth II (94). During an off-piste tour, an avalanche broke off and buried the prince's friend under himself. He died under the snow masses.

Said episode shows just that misfortune. Sarah Horsley, the major's widow, is said to have expressly asked the producers in advance not to make the incident part of the series. "I was horrified when I was told that (the episode) would actually be realized and was very concerned about the impact on my daughter," she told The Sunday Telegraph. Horsley was "upset". "I suppose the members of the royal family have to smile and put up with it, but for me it's a very private tragedy."

Producers promised integrity and sensitivity

Horsley received an answer. The letter was written in a friendly manner, but the widow was less pleased with its content. The producers of the series said that "they understand my concerns". Still, they appeared to want to hold on to the incident and asked for Horsley's confidence "that they will treat difficult subjects with integrity and great sensitivity."

At the time of the ski accident, Major Hugh Lindsay's wife was working in the Buckingham Palace press office. She was pregnant with their first child. Prince Charles (72) later took on the sponsorship of the girl named Alice.