the day after the bombings on the Zaporijia power plant, IAEA experts will assess the damage

Cover image: Ukrainian soldiers, in Bakhmout, Ukraine, November 11, 2022. LAURENT VAN DER STOCKT for “The World”

  • Russia and Ukraine again accused each other mutually on Sunday, November 20 for having bombed the nuclear power plant in Zaporijia, the largest in Europe, located in southern Ukraine and militarily occupied by the Russian army.
  • The director of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Rafael Grossi, estimated that the weekend strikes – “a good dozen” – were “absolutely deliberate, targeted”, without attributing responsibility to Russian or Ukrainian forces. He judged the situation “severe”in an interview with the French channel BFM-TV.
  • The IAEA did not find an increase in radiation. “Radiation levels at the site remained normal and no casualties were reported. The power plant’s external power supply, which was interrupted several times during the conflict, was also not affected,” said Mr. Grossi, in a statement released Sunday evening.
  • However the “repeated bombings on the site of the nuclear power plant (…) damaged buildingssystems and equipment, with some of the explosions occurring near the reactors”, added Mr. Grossi. Among the facilities affected, according to the IAEA, are in particular a radioactive waste storage building, the watering systems of the cooling basins, or even an electric cable supplying one of the reactors.
  • “Although there was no direct impact on the plant’s key nuclear safety and security systems, the bombardments came dangerously close. We’re talking meters, not kilometers, was indignant the director of the IAEA. Anyone who fires shells at the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant takes enormous risks and gambles with the lives of many people. »
  • The IAEA, which has two inspectors on site, intends to carry out a “state of affairs” Monday morning ” very early “. The inspectors could not go out on Sunday because the situation was too dangerous, according to Rafael Grossi.
  • Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky affirmed Sunday evening that the Russian bombardments continued in the region of Donetsk, in the east of the country. “In the Luhansk region, we are moving slowly while fightinghe specified. So far, there have been nearly 400 artillery fires in the east since the start of the day. »
  • Dmytro Lubinets, in charge of human rights in the Ukrainian parliament, rejected Moscow’s accusations on Sunday on a case of” execution “ of Russian prisoners of war. Russia accused Ukraine on Friday of having executed more than ten of its soldiers who had laid down their arms, denouncing a ” war crime “, based on videos posted on social networks. According to Mr. Lubinets, in these images, the Ukrainian soldiers had defended themselves against Russians who were pretending to surrender.

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