The day: Greece does not want to let Moria refugees off the island

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(Photo: dpa)

The Greek government has again made clear statements on how to deal with the 12,600 people who live in the camp in Moria on the island of Lesbos. According to government information, residents started the major fire in Camp Moria on Wednesday night. "The fire was started by people who have applied for asylum – in response to the quarantine imposed because of the coronavirus," said government spokesman Stelios Petsas. These are people who "do not respect their host country," said Petsas. With such actions, however, these people torpedoed any solution. "We'll tell you clearly: You won't leave the island because of the fire. You can forget that." The arsonists only managed to make thousands of people – including families – homeless, criticized Petsas.

. (tagsToTranslate) The (t) day (t) Greece (t) Moria refugees (t) island