The day of the war at a glance: civilians are supposed to flee Sloviansk – international aid for Ukraine is decreasing

The day of the war at a glance
Civilians should flee Sloviansk – international aid for Ukraine is decreasing

Despite small victories by Ukrainian troops, Russia continues to bomb major cities. The civilians should flee from them, some mayors are demanding. Chancellor Scholz promises Ukraine more weapons via ring exchanges. A study, on the other hand, shows that international aid to Ukraine is falling. Russia strengthens its military with the help of the domestic economy and wants to educate its youth to be patriots. Economics Minister Habeck is meanwhile positively surprised by the German energy savers. The 132nd day of the war at a glance.

Ukraine slows down Russia in Donbass

According to their own statements, the Ukrainian troops repulsed an attack by the Russian military in the Donbass region in eastern Ukraine. “Ukrainian militants inflicted significant casualties on the enemy in an attempted attack around the towns of Verkhnyokamkanka, Bilohorivka and Hryhorivka. The occupiers retreated,” the general staff said in Kyiv. The villages are 10 to 15 kilometers west of the city of Lysychansk, which Russia’s troops captured over the weekend.

Civilians are to leave Sloviansk and Mykolayiv

While the Russians are making sluggish progress in the Donbass, the massive shelling of Ukrainian cities continues. Sloviansk, the Russians’ next target after taking Lysychansk, has been shelled for two weeks. According to Mayor Vadym Lyakh, 17 residents have been killed and 67 injured since then. Of the city’s once 100,000 residents, about three quarters would have fled. However, the governor of Donetsk, Pavlo Kyrylenko, also called on the remaining civilians to flee. “The enemy is chaotically shelling the city, the attacks are aimed at destroying the local population,” Kyrylenko said. There are similar voices from Mykolayiv in the south of the country. “There are no safe zones in Mykolayiv,” said Mayor Olexander Senkevych. “I tell the people of the city that they have to leave it.” The Russian troops used multiple missile systems to shell the port city.

Russians block Youtube and Instagram in Kherson

In the neighboring and Russian-occupied Kherson region, Russification is progressing. Youtube and Instagram are now apparently blocked. According to the Nexta news channel, this decision was announced by the spokesman for the crew administration, Sergei Moroz. The ruble had already been introduced there in the past few weeks, and the entire region was also switched to Russian television. A former Russian intelligence agent was also appointed head of government in Kherson on Tuesday.

Ukrainian military collects reporting obligation

After massive criticism, the Ukrainian military withdrew a decree – after just one day. He shared that Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Army Valeriy Zalushnyi. The day before, the order for conscripts to obtain permission from the district military replacement office to leave the reporting point triggered a nationwide wave of outrage. Even President Volodymyr Zelenskyj had distanced himself from the military on the issue and called for the order to be withdrawn.

Union demands delivery of 200 “Fuchs” tanks

The chairman of the foreign affairs committee in the Bundestag, Michael Roth, called for military support for the Ukraine for the reconquest of Russian-occupied areas. The chances are good, Russia has already suffered high losses, Roth told the TV station “Welt”. “Russia has lost more than a thousand tanks, that’s more tanks than Germany, Italy, France and other countries have together,” said the SPD politician. There are similar demands from the Union faction in the Bundestag. With a decision by the Bundestag, they want to demand the short-term delivery of 200 “Fuchs” armored personnel carriers to Ukraine. According to a motion for a resolution, the war is in a critical phase in which the progressive attrition of Ukraine would have serious strategic consequences. “For the Ukrainian army, it is about the rapid delivery of reliable material that can be used immediately on the front line,” the application said.

Scholz promises Ukraine weapons via ring exchange

Chancellor Scholz took a step in this direction by announcing further arms deliveries. “We have prepared several ring exchanges,” said Scholz in the government survey in the Bundestag, without becoming specific. These are “immediately” before delivery. Partner countries in Eastern Europe and most recently Greece are making heavy weapons from Soviet stocks available to the Ukraine via a ring exchange.

Study: Support for Ukraine is waning

According to a study, however, international support for Ukraine is waning. According to the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, only a few new commitments were made in the period from June 8th to July 1st. The largest new single pledge is military support from Great Britain in the amount of 1.5 billion euros. The large gap between promised support and support actually provided is striking. Both military and financial commitments are below what Ukraine says it needs and what the country has been promised. According to the surveys, aid commitments totaling 80.7 billion euros have now been recorded.

Russia is building a military economy

Russia, on the other hand, is strengthening its own military by passing two laws for “special economic measures”. After that, the government could oblige domestic companies to supply the military with much-needed goods. Employees could also be forced to work overtime and take vacations to support the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which has been ongoing since February 24. Employees can also be obliged to work at night, on weekends or on public holidays – higher wages beckon as compensation. President Vladimir Putin has yet to sign the laws.

Duma wants to found patriotic youth movement

In addition, in order to strengthen the country not only militarily, but also ideologically, the State Duma passed a law establishing a patriotic youth movement. The organization, which is reminiscent of the youth organizations of the Soviet Union, is supposed to take in children from the age of six and be financed by the state. Their task should be to prepare children and young people for life in Russian society. It is said to be based on the “vision of the world based on traditional Russian spiritual and moral values”. President Putin is set to chair the organization’s board of directors. Participation by children and young people should be voluntary.

Separatists seize foreign ships in Mariupol

According to a report by the port authorities, the port of the Russian-occupied city of Mariupol in southern Ukraine is once again operating at full capacity. Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said a month ago that the port of Mariupol had been cleared of mines and was ready for grain shipments. Russia vehemently denies the West’s accusation of stealing grain from Ukraine, but pro-Russian separatists seized two foreign-flagged ships in the port. According to an agency report, the Foreign Ministry of the self-proclaimed “People’s Republic” of Donetsk has informed two shipping companies that their ships are the subject of a “forcible appropriation of movable property with forced conversion into state property”. There should be no compensation.

Von der Leyen warns of a gas stop

Not only could European countries lose ships, but there is also a risk of Russian gas failing. According to Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, the European Union must adapt to this. It is clear that Russian President Vladimir Putin is using energy as a weapon. Twelve member states are already directly affected by a partial or complete failure of the gas supply from Russia. According to von der Leyens, the EU Commission wants to present a European emergency plan in the middle of this month.

Habeck praises German energy efficiency

With a view to Germany, Economics Minister Habeck spread a little optimism, since energy saving in Germany is going surprisingly well. In the first half of 2022, 14 percent less energy was used compared to the previous year. According to Habeck, gas consumption was almost ten percent less. However, winter will still be a challenge, also for private consumers. “Enormous price increases are still to come,” the minister continued.

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