The day: Only twelve percent of employees have no back pain

104957275.jpg "data-src =" "class =" lazyload "/></picture><figcaption><p class=Terrifying statistics: 88 percent of employees in Germany have back pain.

(Photo: picture alliance / Arno Burgi / dp)

It looks like working isn't exactly healthy. Only one in eight employees in Germany has no back pain, as a study by the Pronova BKK health insurance company showed. Everyday stress also increases the pain.

  • 24 percent of those surveyed stated that they often have back pain. 64 percent said they sometimes or rarely struggled with the symptoms. According to their own statements, only twelve percent are pain-free.
  • According to the survey, which was carried out in January and February 2020, back pain is not a question of age: 23 percent of those under the age of 30 also complain of complaints. Improper workload and everyday stress exacerbated the symptoms.
  • According to the study, brooding, fatigue and exhaustion are also common phenomena. A fifth of the respondents complain about it. Sleep disorders and internal tension are similarly common.

. (tagsToTranslate) The (t) day (t) Only (t) percent (t) worker (t) back pain