The day: Two men sentenced to death after a Kik factory fire in Pakistan

34095144.jpg "data-src =" "class =" lazyload "/></picture><figcaption><p class=Almost 260 people died in a fire in a textile factory in Karachi in September 2012.

(Photo: picture alliance / dpa)

Eight years after a devastating fire in a textile factory in Pakistan that left almost 260 dead, two main suspects have been sentenced to death. A court in Karachi found it proven that the two had started the fire. Four more received prison terms.

  • The German textile discounter Kik is said to have been the main customer of the factory in Karachi at the time. 258 workers were killed in the fire in Karachi in September 2012.
  • According to the statements of the main suspects, the reason for the arson was the fact that the owners had refused to pay protection money.
  • Pakistani authorities captured the two main suspects in 2016 with the help of Interpol in Saudi Arabia and Thailand. 400 witnesses were questioned in the long trial.

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