The day: US election – European Minister of State warns of false expectations of Biden

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(Photo: picture alliance / dpa)

Another week and a half, then we will know whether it will continue to be called "America First": With a view to the US presidential election, however, the European State Minister in the Foreign Office, Michael Roth from the SPD, warns against false expectations of a possible election victory for opposition candidate Joe Biden. Whether he wins or President Donald Trump will head the USA for another term: "We should abandon the idea that after the election everything will suddenly be 'all right again', everything will be 'back to the way it used to be'," says Roth. Europe must understand the global political crises as a "wake-up call". Already for some time the USA is re-designing its "global political compass"says Roth. "There will certainly not be any fundamental changes in this strategic realignment even after November 3rd."

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