The dematerialized driving license for all from 2024

After the identity card, it is the turn of the driving license to become dematerialized. Its digital version will soon be available on smartphones via the France Identity app.

A first trial of the dematerialized driving license will take place by the end of the year in three departments (Eure-et-Loir, Hauts-de-Seine and Rhône), before the system is truly deployed throughout France. 2024.

This digital version has been designed to simplify people’s lives, since it will be valid for any control by agents. This device was also developed in order to be able to prove one’s identity during online procedures, whether it is a question of renting a car or practicing car sharing.

This dematerialized license will concern all holders of a driving license. Please note, those with an old permit in pink paper format must have already entered their national electronic identity card (CNIe) in the France Identity application to graft their permit. It will then be available via the Wallet tab. As a reminder, France Identity, developed by the National Agency for Secure Documents (ANTS), is still in the experimental phase.

To register it, drivers will have two options: scan the QR code on their Restricted Information Statement (RIR) or import their rights by remotely querying the Road Safety Delegation (DSR) database. In both cases, the permit will be downloaded in the app and can be viewed with or without an Internet connection.

Note that after the identity card and the driving license, the Vitale card should be dematerialized by 2025.

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