The development roadmap for Marvel Snap

The Marvel Snap beta is ending very soon and the developers have announced their roadmap for the next changes to the game in the short, medium and long term, ranging from a PC adaptation, new translations, modes to play against friends or new competitive modes.

To know the rules of the game, we invite you to visit this article.

To note : This article was made during the beta of Marvel Snap only available on mobile, then still in English.

The Marvel Snap roadmap

A few days before the global release, a post on the official website recently revealed future plans for Marvel Snap. This roadmap is based on three main axes:

  • Coming soon
  • In development
  • Still in concept (In concept)


This category announces additions that are in the final phase of development and are therefore soon ready to be implemented in the game. Expect these new features to arrive quickly:

  • Global release of the game worldwide (scheduled for October 18)
  • The early access of the PC adaptation
  • 13 new translations
  • A welcome pack
  • The reward system
  • “Inbox system”
  • Variant rarity system

The developers further detail the variant rarity system. They explain that when released globally on October 18, Marvel Snap will contain around 1000 card variants and some are rarer than others. 75% of current skins will be qualified as “Rare” and will have their cost reduced in the store. Going from 750 gold to 700 gold. Variants will still be obtainable through Collector’s Reserves, Mystery Map Skins, and End of Season Caches.

The remaining 25% will become “Ultra Rare” skins and will only be available in the store for 1200 gold. Each Season Battle Pass will have its own set of Ultra Rare variants.

In development

This category, as its name suggests, offers us novelties still in development. They will arrive a little later after the game is released but shouldn’t take too long either.

  • Battle mode with friends
  • Game mode for unranked games
  • Collector Tokens
  • A PC adaptation for large screens
  • Titles System

A mode of combat between friends?

The developers explain that the function is in high demand by players who want to play and compete with friends. They also explain that instead of Cubes, players will have 10 lives. Each game won will inflict on his opponent an amount equivalent to the current system.

Game mode for unranked games

Many players like to play without the pressure of ranking to accumulate as many Cubes as possible to move up. The developers therefore want to implement a normal, unclassified game mode, in particular to try out its decks and strategies without consequences.

Collector Tokens

According to the developers, one of the most requested requests from the team is to target a particular card that we would like to obtain. They give as an example a Destruction deck but the player lacks Death to perform properly.

The team therefore explains that a new free currency will appear to increase its level of token collection (Level Road collection). This currency can be used in the game shop to unlock a specific card.

The tokens available in the shop will change every eight hours to show new cards to buy. If you don’t have enough tokens to buy your coveted card, you’ll have the option to lock the token shop to keep your targeted card active.

Still in concept

This part concerns projects that are still at the idea stage. Developers need to discuss, exchange, document and predict if these ideas are possible. The list of concepts below contains the developers’ priority ideas, but as of now, no progress has been made to begin development of these ideas.

  • New competitive modes
  • Social System Improvements (Guilds)
  • In-game events
  • A ranking of Inity rank (highest rank)
  • Trading card emotes and emojis
  • Mythics map skins.

So much for our explanation flying over the outline of the roadmap in Marvel Snap. We have tried to cover the basics hoping that it can be useful for you. You can find all our guides to get started in Marvel Snap as well as all the news of the game on Gamosaurus.

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