the diagnosis is much more dramatic

This 20 year old young man complained of back pain. A rather widespread evil that seems trivial. And yet, his diagnosis turned out to be much more serious.

If medicine teaches us one thing, it is never neglect pain. Indeed, some cancers can be detected quickly, provided to listen to your body and not hesitate to consult a doctor in the event of unusual pain. This young man from 20 years will not say otherwise. The ordeal of Dylan Lamb, a student living in the UK, started with simple pain in the lower back. He tells his story in the British media Liverpool Echo. Initially, Dylan Lamb thought he was strained a muscle in the back.

But the pain is becoming more and more unbearable, despite the painkillers prescribed by her general practitioner. Then, on April 28, 2022, Dylan Lamb finds out he actually has it of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. A cancer discovered after a first blood test which reveals an anomaly of his white blood cells. Three days after the diagnosis, Dylan Lamb undergoes his first chemotherapy.

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At 20, he was diagnosed with leukemia.

As a reminder, acute lymphoblastic leukemia is the most common childhood cancer. Symptoms of this cancer include fatigue, infections, paleness, headache, bone pain, bruising and bleeding. The treatment is based on chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant. A treatment with serious consequences. “The effect of this treatment on Dylan’s body and mental health was devastating. His face is bloated due to high doses of steroids, his stomach extremely bloated due to swelling of his internal organs, preventing him from sleeping, regrets Kelly Payne, Dylan’s aunt.

After a remission, Dylan Lamb unfortunately made a recurrence last June. “He was told the leukemia had come back and he was left with weeks or months to live”, explains his aunt. The only solution for Dylan to recover is to undergo a clinical trial of CAR T therapy. An immunotherapy which costs more than 500,000 pounds. A kitty was therefore opened in an attempt to raise funds.

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