The digital driving license is available: how to add it to your smartphone?

After an experimental phase reserved for certain departments, the digital driving license is now available without any restrictions. Everything goes through the France Identity application.

You will soon no longer have to carry your driving license with you, with the fear of losing it or having to find it in your wallet during a police check. At least this is true for the paper version of the document, and provided you have its official digital equivalent on your smartphone.

In an article published on February 13, Le Parisien announced that the digital driving license is available to everyone from this Wednesday, February 14. This launch follows a phase of conclusive tests in three departments: Rhône, Hauts-de-Seine and Eure-et-Loir.

The digital version of the driving license is housed alongside another key administrative document: the electronic identity card (CNIe) within the France Identity application — available on iOS, as well as on Android. Enough to gain in practicality and peace of mind, if you have to prove that everything is in order – without forgetting the saving of time. Later, we will even be able to add the registration document and the insurance certificate to France Identity.

How does the digital driving license work?

Driving license on smartphone // Source: Government
Driving license on smartphone. // Source: Government

How to obtain your digital driving license?

What do I need?

  • A smartphone with the France Identity application;
  • The electronic identity card (CNIe), which remains the “reference identity document” (you will have to change yours, if necessary) and is essential to connect to France Idété;
  • Your driver’s license.

Good news: your old driving license printed on pink paper is not excluded from the equation, even if the digital version will appear in the form of the version updated in 2013 (blue card design).

How to add your license to your smartphone?

There are two methods for adding your driving license to the France Identity application: one is already available, the other will be available a little later.

For the moment, the only way to obtain your digital driving license is to collect your Relevé d’Information Restricte (RIR), a document which “ certifies the validity and extent of your right to drive “.

Restricted Driving License Information Statement (RIR) // Source: ScreenshotRestricted Driving License Information Statement (RIR) // Source: Screenshot
Restricted Driving License Information Statement (RIR). // Source: Screenshot

To recover your RIR, you must:

  • Go to the address where you can consult your points;
  • Create an identifier (if necessary);
  • Enter your driving license number (regardless of its format);
  • Go to the “My documents” tab to obtain your RIR.

On the RIR there is a QR Code at the top right. You will need to scan it to add your digital driving license to France Identity.

The second method will go through the application itself, which can download your driving data remotely.

Is the digital driving license accessible without an internet connection?

Yes. In the event that you are in an area without cellular network, then you will still be able to present your document considered as a certified copy (which is uploaded in the application). It is therefore only the autonomy of your smartphone that could fail you.

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