The directors of Endgame talk about the movie they would like to make

The Russo brothers who are behind Avengers Endgame say they are ready to return to the MCU to direct a film, but on one condition.

The MCU was spoiled by the Russo brothers, to say the least, with a very good Avengers Endgame. And obviously the two directors would like to return to Marvel to make a film. This is what we can learn via a recent interview with Deadline.

A Secret Wars movie

The excerpt from the interview can be found in the tweet below:

Our love for Marvel is based on the comics we read as kids and the comics we fell in love with. The only series you know we loved growing up was Secret Wars.

It’s incredibly ambitious. It would be more epic than Infinity War and Endgame. But it’s a massive undertaking and, you know, those two films have already been very difficult to make.

The two brothers would therefore like to make a Secret Wars film for the MCU, which is indeed very ambitious. It is in fact a crossover which was published in 1984 and which includes all the Marvel war machine namely The Amazing Spider-Man, The Avengers, Captain America, Incredible Hulk, Iron Man, The Thing, The Fantastic 4 , Marvel Team-Up, Thor and The Uncanny X-Men.

A scenario that has something to interest fans of the MCU

Scenario sidea score of superheroes and a dozen super-criminals disappear from the face of the Earth. They are teleported to a strange world, the Battleworld (which is aptly named). It is there that a cosmic entity who calls himself the Beyonder addresses them and asks the group to fight for his pleasure.

Inevitably we suspect that on the budget side it is likely to be particularly high. It’s been a while since we have the right to rumors about this for the MCU. It remains to be seen if Disney is really working on it and if the Russo brothers will have the honor of directing.

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