“The doses had to go up”, the singer confides in her taking medication

This Sunday, June 16, 2024, Céline Dion spoke to Anne-Claire Coudray in the 8 p.m. news. The singer has made numerous revelations, and notably discussed her relationship with medications.

It’s now been 4 years since fans of Celine Dion have no longer seen their idol on stage. But in recent days, a rumor has been circulating: the singer could finally make her comeback. And in particular singing during the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, with Aya Nakamura. This Sunday, June 16, 2024, Céline Dion agreed to speak in the 8 p.m. news on TF1, withAnne-Claire Coudray.

And if Céline Dion assured that her return to the stage will indeed take place, the singer also agreed to talk about her illness. As a reminder, Celine Dion was diagnosed with stiff person syndrome. An illness which caused him acute pain but also difficulty moving and spasms. But before having a diagnosis, the singer tried to find solutions to relieve the pain. One of them was to take Valium.

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Celine Dion opens up about taking Valium

“When we reach a dangerous level of medication and it no longer works, we have two choices: we continue or we stop breathing and it’s over”, Celine Dion told the journalist. The singer explains that she was taking Valium. “At the beginning, it helped a little. But very quickly, the doses had to increase,” she explains. As a reminder, Valium is an anxiolytic from the benzodiazepine family. Valium is usually used to treat anxiety, especially when it is accompanied by annoying disorders.

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Although Valium is therefore a valuable aid in relieving anxiety, taking it is not trivial. Indeed, prolonged intake, particularly in large doses, can cause strong dependence. And abrupt cessation of this anxiolytic is not recommended since a withdrawal syndrome can appear, causing a reappearance of anxiety as well as agitation, irritability but also headaches, pain, tremors, hallucinations or even insomnia.

Celine Dion without filter in a documentary broadcast soon

Furthermore, Celine Dion had confided to NBC News that she had become accustomed to taking 20 to 40 milligrams of Valium. Gold, “90 milligrams of Valium can kill you. You can stop breathing,” she explained. But fortunately, the singer managed to gradually wean herself thanks to the help of doctors “because when you reduce these medications, you can also die. You can’t stop everything.”

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On June 25, a documentary entitled I am: Céline Dion will be broadcast, which will look at her illness. “Don’t experience pain alone. Agree to talk about it but also to consult. Don’t suffer alone”, concludes the singer in her interview with Anne-Claire Coudray.

Passionate about women’s news, Agathe has been deciphering the latest trends for aufeminin since 2022. Her favorite areas? Psychology, nutrition and well-being advice, without forgetting the tips…

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