the dream soon to come true for the fans? It smells very good!

The Mandalorian series could soon be adapted into a video game. If it turns out, it would be a dream come true for fans, but be warned, there’s a catch.

Star Wars is a franchise that has been adapted into video games multiple times. Sometimes it’s a failure, sometimes it’s excellent, in short, there’s a bit of everything. Currently, two titles from the license are in development: Eclipse and Outlaws. However, there would be another who would be more discreet. And this time, it would be an adaptation of The Mandalorian series.

The Mandalorian in video game, soon a reality?

This information comes to us from the user eXtas1s, a leaker, and it should therefore be taken with a pinch of salt. Our man tells us that a Star Wars game is in the works, and that id Software is in charge. As a reminder, this is the studio behind Doom, which is rather reassuring. You will have understood, the particularity of this title is that it would put us in control of Din Djarin, the main character of The Mandalorian series. In any case, that’s what we can think given what’s being explained to us.

We would therefore be dealing with an Xbox exclusive which would aim for a release for 2024-2025, without further details. The developers, rather specialized in FPS, would thus offer a formula very different from what we will have for Outlaws, for example. For many, this would not necessarily be a good idea, but we will avoid getting too far ahead of ourselves. For the moment, we have nothing else to eat, apart from the insider’s comments. Suffice to say that we work with few things.

However, what he tells us is not without meaning. Xbox is currently working with Disney and Marvel to put together a Blade game. The publisher perhaps wants to broaden its horizons and offer additional exclusives. The decision to do a Mandalorian-style adventure could attract a large audience, especially when we see the success of the series. The latter is also preparing the arrival of its season 4. If an announcement alongside its release were to see the light of day, the timing would simply be perfect. To be continued.

Concept art already available?

In truth, this is not the only clue we have regarding this famous game in the Star Wars universe. Earlier this year, various concept art was released by an artist employed by EA. They represented a game called The Mandalorian – Way of the Warrior. Obviously, nothing tells us that it is really in development. The person behind it says it themselves: “ back to making models for games that don’t exist. “. That said, his work could have given rise to an ambitious project. Again, it’s best not to speak too quickly, but it makes your mouth water.

One of the concept arts that we saw

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