the driver of the Tesla indicted for “manslaughter”

The driver of the Tesla electric taxi who caused a fatal accident in Paris was indicted on Wednesday December 15 for “Manslaughter and unintentional injury by land motor vehicle”. He was placed under judicial supervision.

The G7 taxi company announced on Monday to shut down 37 electric vehicles of the same model (Tesla Model 3) as the taxi involved in this spectacular accident, which left one dead and 19 injured on Saturday according to a latest report. The manufacturer has ruled out any technical failure.

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“My client is really very shocked by the accident which was particularly violent”, told Agence France-Presse (AFP) the lawyer for the driver, Me Sarah Saldmann. “It’s an accident for him, he did everything to press the brake pedal which got stuck and at the same time the car got carried away and drove excessively fast”, she added, recalling that the car was not equipped with a hand brake. The electric vehicle had been purchased new ” three months ago “ and had not presented any difficulty until then, according to the lawyer.

The prosecution, which had opened a preliminary investigation on Saturday, entrusted the investigations Wednesday to investigating judges. The investigation will have to determine the causes of the accident, relying in particular on technical expertise.

Tesla’s best-seller Model 3

On Saturday evening, the driver, in his 50s, was not on duty. He was traveling with his wife and daughters, according to Me Saldmann, when he lost control of his vehicle in the 13e district of Paris.

The taxi knocked over two pedestrians, then crashed into a glass container which, in shock from the speed, was thrown into the air before exploding to the ground. The vehicle then struck a traffic light. He finally finished his race in a van in traffic in the middle of the crossroads, according to the account of a police source.

Tesla, which has access to certain technical data, assured that there was “No technical failure” from his car. Tesla’s Model 3 is the American automaker’s bestseller and one of the best-selling electric cars in Europe. The vehicle is not autonomous, but is equipped with a driving assistance on highway which requires to keep his hands on the wheel and his eyes on the road.

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The World with AFP

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