The driving license will be 100% digital in 2024, the end of pink paper?

On the occasion of the interministerial road safety committee, Gérald Darmanin, Minister of the Interior, announced that the driving license will be completely dematerialized. The government does not intend to replace the physical version, but to formalize the electronic version. This can be stored on the smartphone and presented during roadside checks.

The identity papers of the French know, these last years, a real improvement. We saw it with the national identity card which is now much smaller: stuffed with security features, it is the size of a credit card. And it is extremely convenient. With France Connect, digital identity has also been strengthened in order to have easier access to all state services without the risk of identity theft.

Also read – No, you don’t need to renew your license urgently, it’s a scam

Still within the framework of this modernization, we reported in May in our columns information from our colleagues from the Parisian and confirmed by the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin. The latter claiming that a digital driving license would soon arrive in our smartphones. According to the initial schedule, tests should be carried out before the end of the year for a gradual implementation in 2024.

The completely dematerialized license is coming in 2024, it’s official

This July 17, 2023, Gérald Darmanin confirmed this schedule during the interministerial road safety committee organized in Matignon, with Elisabeth Borne and Eric Dupont-Moretti, respectively Prime Minister and Minister of Justice. Driving license ” totally dematerialized will therefore arrive next year in France. And he will have as valuable as the physical license : it may be presented to the Gendarmerie and the National Police during roadside checks.

The Minister of the Interior recalls that the digital permit does not replace the physical permit. The latter will always be issued to drivers. But they will no longer have the obligation to carry it with them when traveling with their vehicle: they will be able to have the dematerialized license which will be stored in the smartphone thanks to a dedicated application. This application will also be a privileged way to check the cardholder’s points balance.

Gérald Darmanin also takes the opportunity to announce the end of the green sticker which still allows to certify that a vehicle is insured. This sticker will disappear completely from April 1, 2024. It will also be “dematerialized” since the insurance companies will be required to fill in a file accessible to the police during an inspection. This file will confirm that your vehicle is well insured. Find the intervention of the Minister of the Interior from the 12th minute in the video below.

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